10 Sex Positions That Will Keep the Long & Boring Winter Months Exciting

Winter can be a major bummer. Between the minimal daylight hours, the cold and the often-gray weather, it’s hard to get motivated to leave the house. Hard to go out with friends. Hard to get to the gym. Life gets boring! It’s no wonder so many of us wait for spring with bated breath to start living our lives again. And sometimes our sex lives feel like they need to thaw out too.

But doesn’t have to be all bad news. You could, for example, use winter as a springboard to reinvigorate your intimate life and have some seriously good sex. I know. I know. It sounds a little silly — like, no, I want to hibernate and carb-load, thanks. But think about it. It gets your heart rate up, it keeps you warm and can easily be done once the sun has gone down.

To get started, we put together some fun and exciting (but reasonable and attainable for people who aren’t double-jointed) sex positions. These positions are just new enough to keep things interesting without feeling like you’ve become a contortionist. Even if they don’t lead you to new heights of orgasm, you might get a few good laughs trying. Test them out, and good luck beating the winter blues.

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