12 Sex Educators You Should Follow on Instagram for Smart, Shame-Free Info

Unless you had a perfectly comprehensive sex education (which, chances are, if you grew up in the U.S., you didn’t), you probably have many questions around your sex life and sexuality that you may feel uncomfortable to bring up to even your closest friends. And social media might be where you turn for those answers. How do you know you’re going to reliable sex educator source who has sex-positivity in mind? That’s where we come in with some recommendations.

If you’re looking to push the boundaries of your own knowledge, you might consider following some truly amazing Instagram sex educators. Not only is it easy to click follow (versus checking out The Joy of Sex for the umpteenth time at your local library…) but incorporating more sex educators and their volumes of wisdom into your Instagram feed could make for an unexpectedly thrilling scroll and reward them for doing this worthwhile and important work on the day-to-day.

You might stumble upon a post that touts the benefits of a trusty new sex toy, read an in-depth explanation of an aspect of sexuality you never thought about or even get some tips on a new position to work into your sex rotation. Plus, you get all of this sexual magic from the minds and mouths of experts who bring to the table a sensitivity, intelligence and earnestness to help you reconnect with your sexual self that is wholly refreshing.

So, who should you follow? Keep clicking to check out my recommendations.

A version of this story was published March 2018.

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