13 Celebrities Who’ve Opened Up About Trying Ayahuasca

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Chances are, you’ve heard about Ayahuasca and how it gives people the wildest drug trips that can, potentially, change the course of their lives. But did you know that quite a few celebrities have tried Ayahuasca and shared their experiences? Before we get into what celebrities have said about their Ayahuasca journeys, though, we need to talk about what it even is — and why it’s so polarizing.

Ayahuasca is a type of brew made from hallucinogenic ingredients and plants, typically including the Psychotria viridis shrub, per Healthline. While Ayahuasca is illegal in the United States, it’s used for spiritual, religious, and ceremonial purposes by numerous tribes in North and South America.

So what happens when you take Ayahuasca? Experiences can really vary. By that, we mean that someone can have a trip that’s full of ecstasy, enlightenment, panic, or anxiety — or all of the above.

Vomiting and diarrhea are normal parts of the experience, which can last up to six hours. However, some people find Ayahuasca to be helpful with mental health conditions and general well-being. In fact, in 2022, a group of scholars did a study via survey and discovered that respondents who regularly used Ayahuasca displayed lower levels of anxiety.

However, with such high highs come some serious lows. Along with vomiting, diarrhea, and potential paranoia, some people have reported that Ayahuasca can worsen certain mental disorders, and some research has found that it can cause cardiac issues. There have also been several reports of death during an Ayahuasca ceremony, though “there has never been a death observed during a clinical study,” researchers noted in one 2018 paper. In other cases, Ayahuasca has been blamed for a death that occurred after the ceremony, sometimes long after — as in the case of one celebrity ahead.

Many celebrities who’ve had Ayahuasca experiences talk about both the good and the bad, but all of them have stressed that their experiences took place either abroad or with a tribe doing a ceremony. Ahead, these stars’ stories show just how wide the range of experiences on Ayahuasca can be, from scary to confusing to life-changing.

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