$1B VA Replacement Hospital Planned In New York

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is proposing a $1 billion veterans hospital in Buffalo, N.Y., to replace the aging Buffalo VA Medical Center, according to an article in buffalonews.com.

The facility will include medical/surgical and psychiatric beds, as well as a short-stay nursing home. An emergency department (ED), primary care offices, rehabilitation facilities, mental health clinic, and dental clinic are also planned.

Part of the proposal includes closing two existing VA clinics in Buffalo and transferring those services to the new downtown Buffalo hospital. Other VA services currently scattered in rental properties, including a program for homeless veterans and the VA Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center in Buffalo, would also be consolidated in the new site.

Additionally, a $148.4 million, smaller hospital is planned for Batavia, N.Y.

The post $1B VA Replacement Hospital Planned In New York first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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