20 Celebrities Who Have Spoken out About Ozempic, Wegovy, and Other Weight Loss Drugs

It’s difficult to remember what our health landscape (and pop culture) were like before Ozempic, Wegovy, and other similar drugs burst onto the scene. As a refresher, these semaglutide drugs (an injection that is prescribed to help regulate blood sugar) were originally FDA-approved for treatment of Type 2 diabetes, but are now often used as weight-loss drugs since they tend to also slow down the speed of the stomach emptying and keep you feeling fuller for longer.  

From the time that Ozempic went viral on TikTok and led to a shortage of the drug, everyone has been talking about it nonstop — including celebrities. Celebs from Oprah to Whoopi Goldberg to Kate Winslet have taken a moment to weigh in on the subject of semaglutide injections being used as weight-loss drugs. Some stars have revealed that they’ve taken Ozempic or other similar drugs to reach their personal weight-loss goals, while others have spoken up to dispel rumors that they’ve taken these weight-loss drugs or to share their views on the weight-loss drug craze in general. Either way, we have all the sound bites in one place for you.  Keep on reading for a roundup of celebrity opinions on Ozempic, Wegovy, and other hot-button weight-loss drugs.

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