2021 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals for Fitness Gear

As smart shoppers and sale enthusiasts around the U.S. prep to take on the biggest holiday shopping week of the year (with all the still-ongoing-pandemic safety precautions in mind, please!), gym rats and workout junkies (and those of us who love them) can’t be left out of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Cyber Week deals in the fitness space.

And, rest assured, you can invest in the health of yourself and your family this season with some of the best holiday deals on fitness gadgets and gear without feeling the day-after ache on your wallet/credit card balance.

Whether you’re looking for the comfiest pair of wireless earbuds for the gym, a new high-tech fitness tracker, a yoga mat you can actually commit to lugging around all year or if you’re looking to level-up your home gym experience, the shopping holiday event of the year might be the time to do the damn thing without breaking bank. Read on for a collection of some of our favorite products on sale from your favorite brands — and all sorts of ways you can save.

Even if you’re still taking a pass on in-person shopping this year (we really don’t blame you!), hopefully any goodies you score can help you train for the next time you want to IRL run after a good sale.

A version of this story was published November 2019.

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