$3M Helideck Completed At Lahey Hospital & Medical Center

Lahey Hospital & Medical Center (LHMC) in Burlington, Mass., completed a $3 million helideck at the hospital, replacing its previous remote helipad that was accessible only via ambulance transfer.

The 3,000-square-foot, elevated helideck is located outside the emergency department (ED) to provide quicker access to the hospital.

The project team comprises Bond Building Construction Inc. (design-build; Medford, Mass.), Cube 3 Architects (architect; Boston), RW Sullivan Engineering (fire protection consultant; Boston), Souza True & Partners (engineering consultant; Waltham, Mass.), Allen & Major Associates (land surveyor; Woburn, Mass.), Haley & Aldrich (environmental consultant; Independence, Ohio), and FEC Heliports (aviation consultant; Chesham, England).

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