6 Sex Positions Designed to Hit Your G-Spot

It’s one of the biggest debates in sexual pleasure: Is there a G-spot or isn’t there? If you’re a believer (like I am), the G-spot, or Grafenberg spot, is that magical spot located about an inch inside the vaginal opening on the upper wall (closest to your tummy). When stimulated, this almond-size area swells and becomes tingly. It’s near the urethra so it may prompt the urge to urinate — that’s perfectly normal.

According to Planned Parenthood, though all people with a vagina have this tissue, it doesn’t work for everyone in exactly the same way. For instance, many notice no difference in sensation one way or the other, and about 10 percent ejaculate when their G-spots are stimulated. If you’re interested in trying to see if you can squirt or really like the feeling of penetration, these positions will totally be your vibe. Plus you can always use toys to supplement the experience in a really mind-blowing way.

The great thing about sex that hits the G-spot is that, in most positions, it allows the vagina-haver to control the depth and speed of penetration (because everyone’s tastes differ!). In many cases, this allows for a hands-free situation for their partner, so let those hands wander.

As with all sex and sexual positions, be sure to give your partner plenty of feedback so you can figure out what feels best. Sex isn’t a by-the-manual thing and it trying out a position from the Internet only really works when you’re willing to communicate and modify to make it perfect for you and your partner(s).

Here are six positions that encourage just the right angle, depth and control for mind-blowing G-spot orgasms.

A version of this story was published October 2018.

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