HealthyWomen Is a Proud Convener on the COVID-19 Vaccine Education and Equity Project (CVEEP)

The COVID-19 Vaccine Education and Equity Project (CVEEP) was established in December 2020 by the Alliance for Aging Research, HealthyWomen and the National Caucus and Center on Black Aging, Inc. The project is composed of more than 200 leading organizations representing patient, provider, employer and public health organizations. This group has been convening dialogue among organizations representing the multitude of constituencies that face challenges from COVID-19, including diverse communities that have been most harmed and those on the front lines of the pandemic. To effectively reach the wide array of constituencies served by our partner organizations, we have disseminated information in a variety of ways —– by facilitating and hosting webinars with experts on a multitude of topics related to the pandemic, by creating resources to help facilitate an open conversation about vaccination, by talking with influential reporters, and by engaging in conversations on social media. HealthyWomen is proud to be a part of this effort.


Check out the COVID-19 Vaccine Education and Equity Project’s discussion guide of frequently asked questions:

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