What Is The Difference Between Christian Counselling & Secular Counselling?

Counselling has proven its worth long back, but counselling is a tree with multiple branches. Two of which are Christian counselling and secular counselling. Understanding the difference between Christian counselling and secular counselling is important so that you can choose the best one for you.

Either counsellors’ (Christian or secular) aim is to help their clients. It’s the client’s duty to identify their needs and then make a wise decision. Christian counselling is inclined towards spiritual healing and secular counselling is inclined towards science-based healing.

Still confused about which one you should choose? Let’s get a deeper understanding of both Christian as well as secular counselling. In this blog we will only state the difference between the two, the choice will still be yours…

What Is Christian Counselling?

Christian counselling is faith-based counselling. The counsellor here has chosen the root of spiritual healing for their clients. The entire process is seen through a biblical point of view. Christian counsellors believe that the Bible was answers to all human issues and problems.

The Bible has solutions to most of our problems. We can find answers in parables and stories mentioned in the Holy Bible. Christian counselling helps the client build a trust in the almighty and believe that God will guide you out of darkness into light.

Also read: Therapy Guide: What is Premarital Counselling

What Is Secular Counselling?

Secular counselling is science-based counselling. Secular counselors do not really focus on religious or spiritual healing. Their main focus is to provide comfort to their client through tried and tested scientific techniques which are more generic in nature.

Secular counsellors will go for more scientific practices and they believe that a man himself will have to reach his goal. In case their client has a religious point of view, a secular counsellor can talk to them about it but can’t use it further.

That is so because a secular counselor is not always completely aware of religious beliefs and values. They are also not trained to treat someone through a religious point of view. Therefore, they stick to scientific methods of counseling.

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What Are The Similarities Between Christian Counselling And Secular Counselling?

Before we jump right into the difference between faith based counseling and science based counselling, let’s quickly look at the similarities between the two…

Since both are forms of counselling there are a few things that both give equal weightage to. The route may be different but the destination remains the same!

Both aim at providing comfort to their client
Both help their client in overcoming their fears, disabilities and irrational thoughts
Both work towards improving the relationship between their client and their significant others.
Both help their client reach their desired goals
Both have their respective degrees to provide counselling to others
Both use similar techniques for self-help

To sum it all up, the method is almost the same, only the approach is different. It all depends on you, which approach do you relate to more? Spiritual or scientific?

Shall we look at the differences between Christian and secular counselling now?

The Difference Between Christian Counselling and Secular Counselling

By now you must have understood that the difference is in their approach. Both biblical and secular counselling aims at helping you deal with your mental health related issues but in their own uniquely different ways…

Christian Counselling
Secular Counselling

Masters’ degree required to be a counsellor but if you are a clergy member masters’ degree isn’t compulsory.
Masters’ degree required with some experience in social work and psychology.

Biblical and Christian knowledge required.
Scientific knowledge about the theories and their application is required.

Specific license has to be obtained.
Same license can be used which is provided to other mental health professionals.

Counselling can be practiced in the church, schools, funeral homes, adoption agencies and shelters.
Counselling can only be practiced at private clinics or hospitals.

They have a biblical perspective.
They have a worldly perspective.

Happiness can be achieved via Christ.
Happiness can be achieved through self.

They process in regard to sin, repentance, salutation, etc.
They process in regard to human developed scientific techniques.

Christian Counselling VS Secular counselling! Which Is better?

They both have the same goal. It’s up to you which path you think will benefit you more. If you are a spiritual person then Christian counselling will be better for you. If you believe in science and scientific techniques the secular counselling will be better for you.

Still confused? Here are some benefits of each! Hope this helps you make the right choice..

Christian Counselling
Secular Counselling

Christ centered

Offers long term solutions
Offers effective techniques to help them grow

Builds relationship with the almighty
Increase your self-awareness

Gives hope to you
Makes you feel understood

Helps you in fighting the spiritual warfare
Offers effective coping strategies

Also read: 10 Warning Signs Of An Abusive Counselor (PS: You Deserve Best)

I hope now it will be easier to make a choice. Do comment and let me know which is better for you, Christian counseling or secular counselling? If counselling is the solution to your problem then choose the one you relate to the most with.

Thanks for reading!

Take care and stay safe.

The post What Is The Difference Between Christian Counselling & Secular Counselling? appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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