Join the conversation: Eating Disorders Awareness Week

We will be chatting with eating disorder charity Beat to learn more about this year’s campaign

Statistics can always feel quite alien until you are part of the number. Understanding that one in 50 people in the UK are affected by eating disorders is one thing, but when you are part of that statistic (whether you’ve experienced an eating disorder or a loved one has) you know the impact and gravitas of the situation.

After living with anorexia in my teens, I am one of those numbers, so I always take an interest when Eating Disorders Awareness Week rolls around.

Eating disorders are serious conditions that are often misunderstood and this is why each year eating disorder charity Beat shines a light of awareness on a specific issue. This year they are highlighting the number of hours training doctors typically get on eating disorders which is… less than two hours.

Beat believes more robust training is needed. So often doctors are in a position to notice early warning signs of eating disorders that have nothing to do with appearance or weight. Due to the nature of these illnesses, those affected rarely reach out for support and it may be up to others to recognise there’s a problem.

To learn more about this year’s campaign and the importance of early intervention, we will be chatting with Kerri Fleming (Head of Specialist Services at Beat) and Dr Gregory Warwick (Chartered Counselling Psychologist) for a live webinar on 16th February at 6pm.

We will take a closer look at this year’s awareness campaign, how you can get involved and how you can find the right support for you. The webinar is free to join and if you can’t join live, we will be sending out the video replay afterwards.

Join the free webinar

And for further resources on eating disorders take a look at the following articles:

10 myths about eating disordersThe road to recoverySuffering in silence: Eating disorders in men

If you are looking for support, visit Counselling Directory to find a counsellor.

Nous vous invitons…

Nous vous invitons à prendre rendez-vous avec un de nos psychologues, psychothérapeutes et psychopraticiens afin de faire un premier pas vers le changement que vous désirez. Si vous désirez obtenir de plus amples informations ou si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous téléphoner. Vous pouvez prendre un rendez-vous par téléphone ou en envoyant un email au cabinet des Psychologues de Paris 9 (à l’attention du psychologue ou psychothérapeute de votre choix).