Gundersen Health System Plans Replacement Project

Gundersen Health System (La Cross, Wis.) is planning a new replacement hospital in Whitehall, Wis.

The two-story, 69,000-square-foot Gundersen Tri-County Hospital, which will replace a 1960s-era facility in Whitehall, will include private patient rooms, a trauma center, and helipad landing zone near emergency services. It will offer emergency, imaging, lab, pharmacy, surgical, dietary, rehabilitation, and transitional care services. A new ambulance and maintenance building are also planned.

A renovation of a current clinic, which is connected to the existing hospital, is also in the works. The existing hospital will be demolished once the new facility opens.

Groth Design Group (Cedarburg, Wis.) is the architect on the project and Kraus-Anderson (Minneapolis) will serve as construction manager.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in fall 2023.

The post Gundersen Health System Plans Replacement Project first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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