Winter Wonder

In early February here in Cleveland, we’ve already had four snow days, if that tells you how things are going on the winter weather front. However, I’m reminded that professionally, at least, it’s still one of my favorite times of year.

We’re just coming off of our annual Program Design Team meeting for the Healthcare Design Conference + Expo. Virtually, we gathered a jury of industry professionals who represent our association partners on the show to spend hours, and then some more hours, carefully assessing each session proposal submitted for the 2022 event. In sum, we had about 350 submissions this year that through this review were culled down to a more manageable number. Those that got the nod from our team will help shape the final educational program you’ll find Oct. 8-11 in San Antonio.

But that’s not where it ends.

Those 350 submissions from firms and healthcare organizations across the country and world inform so much more. When you’re dealing with that kind of volume, there are bound to be trends and themes that emerge, offering several threads to follow. From mental health and pediatrics (and pediatric mental health) all the way to prefabrication and modular construction, resiliency and sustainability, and community health and care equity, there were clear top-of-mind topics.

Yes, many of those will become sessions. But others will inform our coverage here in the magazine, inspiring columns, project profiles, and webinars. Some may be produced in more nontraditional ways at the show—look for programming in the expo hall or in our HCD booth.

I can’t help but feel inspired and ready to hit the ground running in 2022 after going through the process. And while the submissions definitely offer a worthwhile peek into what you’re all working on and where you think the industry could use more education, this time of year brings another favorite of mine: our Healthcare Design A/E/C Survey. At press time, the deadline to participate has just passed, and I’m thrilled to see a record number of firms responding to our biennial survey.

The results will inform a state-of-the-industry report you can find in our April issue of the magazine—with data including details like projects completed and contracts signed as well as insight on the greatest challenges firms face and the drivers behind new healthcare projects.

So while this may be a favorite season of mine, the real goal is that what’s happening now will inform a year’s worth of content that will help the important work you do.

The post Winter Wonder first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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