Former Funeral Home Transformed Into Health Clinic In Connecticut

Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center in New Haven, Conn., has converted a former funeral home into the West Haven Clinic for behavioral health, dental, adult, pediatric, and women’s health services.

The 10,000-square-foot facility houses medical and dental offices at street level, while behavioral health programs are located in the newly refinished basement, which also contains an employee break room.

The healthcare organization worked with architecture, art, and advisory firm Svigals + Partners (New Haven) on the design, which includes glazed walls and doors to allow sunlight into interior spaces, wood-look flooring, and a glass screen wall with a foliage-inspired etching. For the exterior, the design team covered the existing brick with a light-colored stucco with a subtle textural pattern and erected a new canopy over the entrance finished in steel and wood.

The project team also includes Olsen Construction (general contractor/construction manager; Berlin, Conn.), Langan (civil engineer; Parsippany, N.J.), Michael Horton Associates Inc. (structural engineer; Branford, Conn.), and Consulting Engineering Services (MEP; Middletown, Conn.).

The post Former Funeral Home Transformed Into Health Clinic In Connecticut first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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