Allina Health Announces New Minneapolis Project

As part of a multiyear revitalization project, Allina Health (Minneapolis) is planning a new surgical and critical care pavilion on its Abbott Northwestern campus in Minneapolis, according to an article in

The 10-story, 500,000-square-foot project will house a lobby, chapel, registration area, gift shop, dining space, retail pharmacy, and volunteer area on the first floor; radiology and endoscopy on the second; surgical space with 30 operating rooms (ORs) on the third; surgery prep and recovery rooms on the fourth; and patient rooms on floors five through nine. Courtyards, a rooftop garden, and 50 parking spaces are also planned as part of the project.

An existing four-story parking ramp will be demolished to make way for the new building.

HGA (Minneapolis) is the architect on the project.

Construction is slated to begin late this year or early next year.

The post Allina Health Announces New Minneapolis Project first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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