10 Best Apps To Deal With Postpartum Depression

There were so many things that I was not aware of and was not ready for when I gave birth to a beautiful little girl. I thought the pain was going to last only for 9 months but the real struggle started from there. Postpartum depression really hit me hard, especially when I couldn’t connect with my newborn and couldn’t get sleep at the same time. Welcome to motherhood!

While experiencing baby blues is really common, around 80% of new moms experience postpartum depression which revolves around mood swings, anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, and more. Moreover, around 10-20% of new moms test for clinical depression. Apparently, I was not in the 10-20% new moms, want to know why?

When I was filled with negative thoughts and mood swings, I decided to check my symptoms on the internet wherein I found some apps for dealing with postpartum depression. I tested and used applications for dealing with postpartum depression. Amidst all the searching, I found the 10 best apps for new moms to deal with postpartum depression. In this blog, I have enlisted 10 apps for dealing with postpartum depression on the basis of my personal experience. So, let’s get started.

10 Apps to Deal with Postpartum Depression

1. Talkspace

Visit: Talkspace

Available for: Android | iOS

When the symptoms of postpartum depression are severe and uncontrollable, Talkspace can help new moms to connect with a therapist and let their hearts out without any judgments. Subscription plans of Talkspace begin from $65 per week wherein users can video chat, talk, or text their problems with a licensed and experienced therapist.

2. Happify

Visit: Happify

Available for: Android

Happify is my personal favorite app because it is based on the roots of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness practices which help new moms to turn their negative thoughts into positive ones. Overall, Happify lifts up the mood of moms by easing up their stress levels and helping them to manage their symptoms. Happify offers games, exercises, and activities that help in dealing with postpartum depression.

3. Peanut

Visit: Peanut

Available for: Android | iOS

Peanut is created by moms for moms. Peanut is a unique app out of all apps because it connects you with moms in your area like a dating profile does for you. Users can simply create a profile and swipe on the moms they would love to meet on the basis of their interests, locations, and needs.

4. Pearachute

Visit: Pearachute

Available for: Android

Pearachute was developed with the goal of meeting moms in your area. It works on the basis of a credit system wherein you will have to pay monthly and you will receive credits. You can use those credits for booking activities for you and your newborn. Activities revolve around language development, music classes, and more.

5. Headspace

Visit: Headspace

Available for: Android | iOS

Headspace is developed on the roots of meditation which helps ease symptoms of depression by replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones. Headspace is one of the most popular apps for meditation and mental health issues. The app teaches mindfulness practices and meditation to users. The pricing plans of Headspace begin from $12.99.

6. MoodTools

Visit: MoodTools

Available for: Android | iOS

MoodTools is developed for people tested with clinical depression. It is an amazing app because it offers various videos that help in improving behavior and mood. The best part of MoodTools is the journaling section wherein you can track your feelings. The app is free to download on both platforms.

7. Sound Sleeper

Visit: Sound Sleeper

Available for: Android | iOS

Sound sleeper is developed by parents for parents. This app helps newborns to achieve deep sleep. This app is also recommended for people with insomnia, anxiety, stress, and depression issues. It offers a wide selection of soothing lullabies and noise sounds which creates a relaxing ambiance around the baby.

8. Calm

Visit: Calm

Available for: Android | iOS

Calm is one of the popular apps with more than 3 million downloads. It helps to beat symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress by offering master classes for boosting holistic health, meditation-videos, creative videos, sleep sounds, and more. The pricing plan begins from $12.99 per month to $59.99 per year.

9. Breathe2relax

Visit: Breathe2relax

Available for: Android | iOS

Breathe2relax is specially designed for people with crippling anxiety attacks and stressful breathing. It is the most-used app among all apps as it teaches users to practice deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and more. This app can also be connected with your Apple Watch.


Visit: PPD ACT

Available for: Android | iOS

PPD ACT is the most efficient app for mothers as it showcases some of the best ground-breaking initiatives to beat the blues of postpartum depression. It is developed by academic clinicians and scientists. It helps in combating crippling feelings more comfortably and efficiently.

I hope this blog helps you with 10 best apps for dealing with postpartum depression. Comment down and share your views on these listed apps. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

Till then, take care, and have happy motherhood.

The post 10 Best Apps To Deal With Postpartum Depression appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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