Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Building Replacement Project

Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, Calif., is planning a $1.7 billion replacement project in West Carson, Calif.

Situated on 72 acres around a central park, the center will comprise a 468,000-square-foot acute care inpatient tower with 346 beds, a helicopter landing pad, and 11,000-square-foot warehouse. Project plans also include a 403,000-square-foot outpatient treatment and support building, above-grade parking structure, facilities and IT support building, and a new central plant.

Targeting LEED Gold certification, the medical center upgrade will be designed to comply with Senate Bill 1953, which requires all California hospitals to be structurally resilient in the event of a major earthquake.

The design-build project team comprises HMC Architects (design; Los Angeles), CO Architects (design; Los Angeles), and Hensel Phelps (contractor; Greeley, Colo.).

The post Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Building Replacement Project first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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