Behavioral Health Center Opens At Texas Medical Center

Texas Medical Center (Houston), along with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (Austin, Texas), held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new behavioral health center in Houston.

Located in the Texas Medical Center, the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center at UTHealth Houston comprises an education/support pavilion; two, four-story treatment wings; courtyards, and outdoor spaces.

The 253,800-square-foot facility houses 264 new inpatient beds for acute and subacute treatment. Combined with the adjacent UTHealth Houston Harris County Psychiatric Center, the campus now has a combined total of 538 inpatient beds.

The project team includes Perkins&Will (architect, interior design, and landscape architect; Houston) and Vaughn Construction (contractor; Houston).

The post Behavioral Health Center Opens At Texas Medical Center first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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