FIRST LOOK: Hackensack Meridian Old Bridge Medical Center

Hackensack Meridian’s Old Bridge Medical Center is an acute care hospital located in Old Bridge, N.J. To meet the evolving needs of the local community and broaden its emergency services and overall capacity, the organization enlisted Philadelphia and New York-based architecture and design firm FCA to expand the existing campus and implement a new emergency department (ED).

Slated for completion in the first quarter of 2022, the 24,000-square-foot expansion nearly doubles Old Bridge Medical Center’s ED footprint. The design team’s addition of 25 private patient rooms and the construction of a concourse linking all the campus buildings is set to improve the overall campus circulation.

Natural textures and patterns throughout the space contribute to a warm and calming atmosphere, while the main lobby acts as a focal point for arriving patients, greeting them with fresh amenity spaces including a new café.

Further, custom graphics and wallcoverings give the space a unique feel, grounding it in the community through a recognizable visual identity and Old Hackensack Meridian Health’s branded blue.


Project details:

Facility name: Hackensack Meridian Old Bridge Medical Center

Location: Old Bridge, N.J.

Completion date: March 2022

Owner: Hackensack Meridian Health

Total project area: 34,000 square feet

Total construction cost: $27 million

Cost/sq. ft.: N/A

Architecture firm: FCA

Interior design: FCA

Construction Manager: Turner Construction

Engineering: PWI Engineering (MEP contractor), Dewberry (civil), O’ Donnell & Naccarato (structural)

Builder: Turner Construction

The post FIRST LOOK: Hackensack Meridian Old Bridge Medical Center first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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