Exploring Mediator Personality Type: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, And Perceiving (INFP)

Mediator personality includes introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging (INFP). It is one of the 16 personality types identified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

Mediator personality can also be referred to as an idealist personality as people belonging to this personality trait are introverted, creative, motivated by high values, and idealistic.

Do you know INFPs make this world a better place to live as they always open their hands towards helping the needful? They are one of the best people one must have… they strive really hard to gain understanding and they try to fit in no matter what the situation is!

Aren’t INFPs green flags? Can you think of a personality or loved one belonging to the INFP or mediator personality? If yes, comment down in the below section. 

Do you know famous personalities like William Shakespeare, Kurt Cobain, Fiona Apple, Louis C.K., Edgar Allen Poe, Bob Marley, Johnny Depp, and Heath Ledger identified as INFP personalities?

Do you relate yourself or your loved one as an introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving personality (INFP)? Read this blog to know more about the mediator or INFP personality type from MBTI.

Related: Exploring Artist Personality: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, And Perceiving (ISFP)

What is the INFP Personality Type? 

INFPs are unassuming and quiet personalities with a great vision of life. They are highly imaginative and creative people with ongoing conversations and stories in their minds.

They keep themselves surrounded by art, nature, or music. Sometimes, they might seem nostalgic and sentimental. INFP or mediator personality keeps thinking or exploring their purpose of life, they keep on exploring ideas wherein they can use their talents or skills.

The best part about INFPs is that their purpose is to serve humanity the best to humanity. They are highly devoted to maintaining enthusiasm especially when the cause is related to humanity or something they care about. 

The Making of INFP Personality 

Introversion: INFPs recharge themselves from alone time. 
Intuition: INFPs prefer looking at information based on patterns or impressions to interpret reality. 
Feeling: INFPs consider their feelings instead of using logic when it comes to decision-making. 
Perceiving: INFPs are more flexible and open when it comes to judging. 

Fact Check: INFP Personality Type 

According to a study, INFPs are rare, only making up about 4.4% of the U.S. population wherein 46% are men and 54% are women. INFP is a similar personality type to ENFJ and INTP. However, INFP is the complete opposite of ESTJ. 
INFPs are loyal which makes them ideal partners. 
Career options for INFPs: Artist, counselor, librarian, graphic designer, social worker, physical therapist, social worker, psychologist, or writer. 

Characteristics of INFP Personality 

Below listed are some of the main characteristics of an INFP personality: 

Better decision-making skills 
Focused on the big picture 
Loves spending alone time 

Related:  Crafter Personality Type: Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, And Perceiving (ISTP)

Strengths and Weaknesses of INFP Personality 

Below listed are some of the strengths and weaknesses of an INFP or mediator personality type: 

Strengths of INFP

Weaknesses of INFP

Devoted and loyal

Overly idealistic

Sensitive and generous

Takes everything personally sometime

Caring and interested in fulfilling other’s needs

Difficult to be understood by others

Loves spending alone time

Ignores small things that matter

Value deep and close relationships

Overlook bigger details

Focuses on the big picture


Open-minded and idealistic

Self-critical and emotionally vulnerabl

INFP Personality in Different Areas of Life 

1. Relationship 

INFPs or mediators are overly idealist personalities which means they often keep higher expectations from people. When it comes to their relationships, they keep their focus on the bigger picture which makes them ignore little things that matter in a relationship.

However, they make one of the best partners, if you are in a relationship with an INFP personality, you might need to put extra effort into bringing their attention to the little things. INFP people are somewhat perfectionists and they always look for a partner who fills the role appropriately. 

As I mentioned, they make the world a better place to live, they are very caring, loyal, and sensitive. They are best at forming close, deep, and meaningful relationships. If you’re in a relationship with an INFP personality, know that they don’t like conflicts and arguments. In such cases, they focus on the bigger picture.

They are very emotional and irrational. They are good listeners but conflicts piss them off. Like all introverts, they also have a small social circle. They are reserved and private which means they only open up in front of a few people.

Related: 10 Signs You’re a Competitive Personality And What to Do If You Are One!

2. Career 

INFPs are highly creative and have a great vision. Therefore, a job with creativity, artistry, and independence might be perfect for them. They are really great at expressing their feelings through art. Additionally, they value ethics and rules. They are highly passionate about defending or advocating their beliefs. Career options for INFPs include Artist, counselor, librarian, graphic designer, social worker, physical therapist, social worker, psychologist, or writer. 

3. Friendship 

Like other introverts, INFPs also have a small social circle but they have more impactful and long-lasting friendships than other people. This means that INFPs value their friendships and understand each other’s emotions empathetically. They crave emotional intimacy, and when it comes to friendships; they look for people with great understanding and patience. 

4. Parenting

INFPs make one of the best parents; they are full of warmth, support, and care. They are best at establishing healthy boundaries which makes their children learn strong values and respect. If you are parenting a child with an INFP personality, make sure you provide them a safe space to express their emotions and feelings. 

I hope this blog helps you understand everything you wanted to know about INFP or mediator personality type from MBTI. Do not forget to share this blog with the people who strike your mind when you think of the mediator personality type. 

Comment down and share your views on the same.  For more such content, connect with us through all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading! 

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