Achievemephobia Or The Fear Of Success: Signs, Causes & How To Overcome This Fear

Success is something we all crave and not something we should be afraid of; however, the fear of success is real and can hold you back from achieving your desired goals.

Maybe it’s not the thought of success that’s holding you back but the outcome and the potential loss that may come at the price of success. This fear of success can even lead you to self-sabotage your efforts too.

Let’s take a look at what is the fear of success, the signs, the impact it can have on your mental and emotional health, and how you can cope with the fear of success.

What Is The Fear Of Success?

The fear of success, also known as achievemephobia, is when you struggle with anxiety over achieving success. This fear can also involve people self-sabotaging their progress to avoid being successful.

It’s not the thought of success but more so the change your success might bring. For example, your success might ruin your professional or social relationships, so you hold back.

This fear of success can be confused with the fear of failure because both hold you back from fulfilling your goals and dreams.

What Are The Signs You Need To Look For?

If you’re afraid of success, then you may find it difficult to recognize the signs of this phobia. Here are some common signs that can help you identify the fear of success:

  • You have low expectations when it comes to setting goals
  • You give up right before you’re about to succeed
  • You put things off until the last minute
  • You often self-sabotage your progress
  • You’re afraid of being under the spotlight
  • You worry that you’ll leave others behind once you succeed in your goals
  • You feel anxious about taking on responsibilities because of your success
  • You fear negative comments from others

Sometimes these actions can be seen as lack of motivation, laziness, or poor work ethics but no matter how this fear may look, the impact is the same.

Are There Any Causes For This Fear?

Yes, many causes can lead you to develop the fear of success. Some of the common causes can be:

  • Imposter Syndrome: Many people with the fear of success may believe that their success is undeserved and are not as good as others.
  • Misinterpretation: Did you know that anxiety shares some physical symptoms with excitement? Because of the misinterpretation of the feelings, people with this fear may avoid situations that may trigger this reaction.
  • Fear Of Resentment: Many people who’re afraid of success may also fear potential resentment from others. Many people may also fear economic and social backlash and this fear can hold them back from reaching their deserved goals.
  • Negative Response: If you’ve ever received a negative response in the past, then the fear of receiving a negative response can also be a cause of your achievemephobia.
  • Social Anxiety: If you’re shy or struggle with social anxiety, then this can be another reason that can cause your fear of success. You may be scared of success because you don’t want to be under the spotlight.

The Impact Of The Fear Of Success

You may not realize but the fear of success can have a serious impact on your life and overall wellness. The impact can look like this:

  • Poor Life Quality: Not being able to succeed can lead to poor life quality. When you’re afraid of reaching your desired goals and dreams, how can you remain optimistic and happy?
  • Difficulty Reaching Goals: The fear of success can also hold you back from getting started on a potentially good project. Even if you get started, your fear may hold you back from finishing it.
  • Poor Self-Esteem: When you don’t reach your goals, it can lower your self-esteem and confidence in your skills.
  • Low Expectations: There is also a chance that people with the fear of success may set low personal, professional, and academic goals that can hinder their ability to reach their full potential.

Overcoming The Fear Of Success

There are some ways you can overcome the fear of success. Psychotherapy such as psychoanalytic therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy can help. Psychoanalytic therapy can help you focus on the causes and past experiences to help understand how they contribute to your current predicament.

CBT can help you identify your negative thoughts and how they contribute to your unhealthy behavior patterns. With this therapy, you can learn to change the thinking patterns that may be holding you back.

Other ways to cope with the fear of success can be:

1. Identify The Source

Take a step back and reflect on the characteristics and find the source of your fear of success. What is causing such behavior? Once you understand the source of the pattern, you can focus on coping with your negative behavior and self-sabotaging patterns.

2. Practice Stress Management

Remember that stress only adds fuel to your fear so it’s important to learn how to manage the stress and anxiety that comes with the phobia. You can try deep breathing, journaling, mediation, progressive muscle relaxation, and other relaxation techniques to deal with stress.

3. Reframe Your Thoughts

Reframing your negative thoughts with positive beliefs can help you cope with the fear of success. Pay attention to the negative thoughts. What do you think of when you think of success? Once you’re aware of the negative thought patterns, you can learn to replace them with positive ones.

4. Acknowledge Your Fear

Instead of running from your fear, it’s always best to acknowledge it and find ways to improve your reaction to success. If you experience negative thoughts and emotions, give yourself time to understand them and find ways to deal with them with the right skills.

Writer’s Thoughts

The fear of success is real and it can hold you back from reaching your desired (and well-deserved) goals. Not only this, but the fear of success can also affect your overall happiness and well-being.

With the right help, mindset, and coping skills, you can overcome the fear of success and lead a meaningful life. If you need help with understanding the cause of the fear, it is recommended that you seek professional help.

If you’d like to connect with a professional, you can write to us at or DM us on social media.

I hope this article helped you understand what is the fear of success or achievemephobia and how you can overcome the fear of success. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Take Care!

The post Achievemephobia Or The Fear Of Success: Signs, Causes & How To Overcome This Fear appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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