Barbara Heulat Honored With 2023 Changemaker Award

The Center for Health Design has named Barbara Heulat as the recipient of its 2023 Changemaker Award. She will accept the award during a presentation at the 2023 HCD Conference + Expo, Nov. 4-7, in New Orleans.

The Changemaker Award, sponsored by Mecho, recognizes an individual or organization that has demonstrated an exceptional ability to change the way healthcare facilities are designed and built and whose work has a broad impact on the advancement of healthcare design.

Heulat, of Healing Design – Human Centric Solutions (Alexandria, Va.), has held a variety of roles in her 40+-year career, including designer, healthcare strategist, researcher, author, hospice volunteer, and dementia caregiver.

Her projects include work with Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minn.), National Institutes of Health (New York), National Cancer Institute of Japan (Tokyo), King Faisal Research and Specialist Hospital (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), and George Washington Medical Faculty Associates (Washington, D.C.).

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The post Barbara Heulat Honored With 2023 Changemaker Award first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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