Bay Pines VA Plans Outpatient Clinic

Bay Pines VA Healthcare System (Bay Pines, Fla.) is planning a new outpatient clinic on the healthcare system’s campus in Bay Pines.

The project includes the renovation of Building One, a 1930s-era facility that currently houses the healthcare system’s Veterans Canteen Service, which includes a food court, retail store, and barber shop. It was also the former location of the healthcare system’s behavioral health services, which were relocated in anticipation for construction.

The two-year project will include an interior renovation of several floors of the facility, transforming it into an outpatient clinic. The project also includes exterior work, including a new accessible covered entry, parking improvements, and landscaping.

The project team includes general contractor ECRMJV LLC (Milton, Fla.), which is a joint venture of Eamon Chase Inc. (Milton), and Robins & Morton (Birmingham, Ala.).


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