BayCare St. Anthony’s Hospital Completes Expansion, Renovation In Florida

BayCare’s St. Anthony’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla., completed a four-story vertical expansion, which included 143,000 square feet of new construction, and a 75,000-square-foot renovation.

A new cafeteria and kitchen were also added to the existing first floor, as well as new education spaces on the ground floor. Outpatient testing, respiratory therapy, non-invasive cardiology, and administrative areas were expanded and modernized as well.

A new cafeteria and kitchen were also added to the existing first floor, as well as new education spaces on the ground floor. Ooutpatient testing, respiratory therapy, non-invasive cardiology and administrative areas were expanded and modernized.

The project team comprises Gresham Smith (architect; Tampa, Fla.) and Robins & Morton (construction; Birmingham, Ala.)

The post BayCare St. Anthony’s Hospital Completes Expansion, Renovation In Florida first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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