Better Sleep, Better Health: A Guide to Understanding Insomnia

We all have a bad night’s sleep on occasion, but if it happens frequently, you may have a sleep disorder. And you’re not alone. Sleep disorders, which are any condition that causes a change in the way you sleep, affect approximately 70 million Americans.

Like eating healthily and exercising, getting enough restful sleep is critical to good health. Insomnia can take a toll on physical and mental well-being, worsening existing health problems and increasing your risk of chronic illness down the road. It can also affect your ability to function during the day.

How can you tell the difference between just a few nights of poor sleep and a sleep disorder? We spoke with Dr. Smita Patel, an integrative neurologist and sleep medicine physician, to find out more about the condition that keeps so many of us awake at night, including the long-term impacts of insomnia and the steps you can take toward better sleep.

Read on to learn more.

This resource was created with support from Eisai.

Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About Insomnia

Resource List

Insomnia is not just a “sleep issue,” but rather has far-reaching impacts on a woman’s physical and emotional health. For more information, please contact your healthcare provider and visit the resources provided below.

HealthyWomen Resources

Why Are You Tossing and Turning at Night?
Short-Sleepers Are More Likely to Suffer From Irregular and Heavy Periods
Can’t Sleep Due to COVID-19 Stress?

Additional Resources

iNeuro Institute – Integrative Neurology, Sleep, and Brain Health News
Women & Sleep: Needs, Disorders, & Recommendations
Insomnia – Symptoms and causes

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