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juillet 26, 2024Like

Feeling Left Out? What to Do When Your Kid Prefers the Other Parent, According to an Expert

We’ve all been there: you’re ready for a cozy cuddle session with your little one, only to hear, “I want Daddy!” or “I want Mommy!” Ouch! For parents of teenagers, who express things more directly, the scenario might look a bit different. Imagine gearing up for a heart-to-heart conversation, only to hear, “Can I talk to Dad about this instead?” or “Mom gets me better when it comes to this stuff.” Double ouch! If you’ve ever felt a pang of
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juillet 25, 2024Like

Jennifer Aniston’s Rare Political Comment on J.D. Vance’s ‘Childless Cat Ladies’ Quote Has Us Applauding

Jennifer Aniston has had it with vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance’s views on IVF and “childless” people, and she’s not the only one. The Friends alum took to her Instagram Stories on July 24 to share a clip from a 2021 interview in which Vance, then a US Senate candidate, goes on a rant about “childless cat ladies” and how leaders without children — specifically calling out Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
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juillet 25, 2024Like

I’m Turning Anxiety into Art

As told to Jacquelyne Froeber July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. I couldn’t catch my breath. I ran into my parents’ bedroom clutching my chest as I gulped for air. The look of panic on their faces only made breathing harder. Sitting on their bed, it felt like an eternity before I began to feel normal again. In reality, it was probably less than a minute, but it was enough time for my parents to rule out something
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juillet 25, 2024Like

Mini-Guide: What Is Cattell’s 16 Personality Factors (16PF) Test

There are so many personality tests or quizzes in the psychology field. Raymond Cattell’s 16 personality factors is one of them. 16 Personality Factors test was introduced by psychologist Raymond Cattell wherein he used personality components in a questionnaire. The factors used in Cattell’s personality test include perfectionism, emotional stability, warmth, reasoning, and others. These can also be used in unique combinations to explain personality and differences among individuals. If you’re also keen to understand your or your loved one’s
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juillet 24, 2024Like

How to Deal with Family Drama

Family drama is a surprisingly common part of life, touching everyone at some point. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, though. Family conflicts range from simple disagreements to deep-seated disputes that reshape relationships and dynamics. Often, these family issues arise from clashing personalities, differing values, or mismatched expectations. Whatever the reason, dealing with family drama can be taxing — emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Looking for guidance on how to deal with family drama? Keep reading. We offer practical advice and effective
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juillet 24, 2024Like

Life Coach vs Therapist: Which Do You Need?

If you’re interested in personal growth, you might have considered getting professional help. While you have plenty of options to choose from, knowing who to go to can be confusing. You can use a certified life coach or a licensed therapist as your guide, but which one you’ll benefit from most depends on many factors, including your condition and goals.  Life coaching and therapy are two common approaches people take today to improve mental health, strengthen relationships, and enhance self-image,
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juillet 24, 2024Like

8 Top Benefits of Seeing a Psychiatrist

When it comes to mental health, seeking the right professional care is paramount. Psychiatrists, as medical doctors specializing in mental health, offer a unique and comprehensive approach to treatment. Unlike therapists or counselors, they can prescribe medication, bringing a valuable dimension to their practice. People turn to psychiatrists for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons people see a psychiatrist are to manage conditions like: Depression Anxiety ADHD OCD Bipolar disorder Eating disorder PTSD Schizophrenia Changes in
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juillet 24, 2024Like

Different Types of Parenting Styles

Parenting styles play an intrinsic role in how a child develops. It also heavily influences family dynamics and the parent-child bond. Many factors come into play about the “right” or “best” parenting style — including child temperament, cultural influences, and the resources you have as a parent. That said, understanding the types of parenting styles can help you identify the areas you want to embrace and those you might consider changing.  Four primary parenting styles are widely recognized, alongside several
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juillet 24, 2024Like

Authoritative Parenting: Examples, Effects & Efficacy

Research indicates that parenting significantly influences a child’s emotional and social skills. The methods a parent employs to parent their children can shape their self-esteem, academic performance, emotional stability, and overall sense of well-being and belonging. In essence, the style of parenting adopted is crucial in determining a child’s developmental trajectory. While there are many different parenting styles, authoritative parenting is a firm yet nurturing approach that delicately balances high expectations with open communication and warmth. Parents who adopt an
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juillet 24, 2024Like

Understanding & Healing Broken Family Dynamics

Family dynamics shape who we are, offering love, support, and a sense of belonging. But what happens when these dynamics are disrupted? A broken family, caused by death, divorce, or other disruptions, can lack the harmony and structure essential for emotional well-being. The ripple effects of such disruptions often lead to emotional and psychological challenges for everyone involved. Healthy family relationships provide a foundation of security, fostering emotional growth and resilience. However, when a family is broken, children are particularly
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juillet 24, 2024Like

How to Be a Better Parent: 9 Helpful Tips

Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and joy. The highs of watching your young child grow and develop can be quickly tempered by the struggles of managing behavior and caring for their every need. If you’ve ever faced moments of doubt or difficulty in your role as a parent, know that you are not alone. Every parent questions themself or feels defeated at some point. This is why continual improvement and a willingness to learn are so essential. The
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juillet 24, 2024Like

How to Be a Single Mom: 8 Strategies for Raising Kids on Your Own

Recent research found that more than 15 million homes in the United States have a female head of household with no partner. Being a single mom is a shared challenge for many, and it can test your patience, strength, and resourcefulness to the limit. Single mothers juggle multiple roles—from managing finances and household responsibilities to supporting their children’s emotional needs and maintaining their own mental health—all often simultaneously. Learning how to be a single mom isn’t always easy, but with
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