Burns & McDonnell Expands Healthcare Team

Burns & McDonnell, a full-service engineering, architecture, construction, environmental, and consulting firm based in Kansas City, Mo., has expanded its healthcare team.

Jennifer Bahan is an interior designer and space planner with nearly three decades of experience on a variety of projects, from replacement hospitals to critical access hospitals and cancer care facilities.

Steve Berko is a project manager with more than 40 years of healthcare design and construction experience. He has completed academic medical, critical care, rural healthcare system, and for-profit and nonprofit healthcare provider projects.

Eric Perry is a senior electrical engineer, bringing 15 years of design and Lean construction experience to the firm. He specializes in designing for acute care hospitals and support spaces, as well as medical office buildings.

Todd Wicker is a senior mechanical engineer and will support healthcare projects across the country.  Wicker has designed a wide range of systems for healthcare, industrial, and commercial facilities throughout his career.

The post Burns & McDonnell Expands Healthcare Team first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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