Celebrity Women Who Aren’t Afraid to Talk About Masturbation

It’s now 2022, people — why is masturbation still a taboo topic? We’re all for self-love — whether it’s during February (a well-known love month!) or every other month of the year.

Honestly, masturbating every day is healthy. It’s good for married people. It’s good for single people. It’s good for all people. And that’s why we love it when people, especially famous people, aren’t afraid to talk about it. We don’t need celebrities to tell us masturbation is great — but we love it when they’re not afraid to spread the word about it. After all, the more we all normalize and de-stigmatize masturbation, the more we’ll have a culturally positive and informed approach to pleasure (which makes all sex better too!)

From Chelsea Handler (who’d rather masturbate than meditate) to Jada Pinkett Smith (who talked about the topic with her mom and daughter) to Amy Schumer and more, these celebrity women have all gotten real about the importance of self-pleasure.

Read on, and then see if you don’t get inspired by these six masturbation positions that prove you don’t need a partner to have a good time.

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A version of this story originally appeared in 2016.

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