Eva Longoria Bastón Is Learning to Be Grateful for a Changing Body in Her 40s

In New York City to talk about a new campaign to draw attention to presbyopia, age-related blurry vision, actress and mom-of-one Eva Longoria Bastón looked like a vision with shiny, dark brown locks in a video interview with SheKnows.

“We’re so hard on our bodies as women,” said the 47-year-old Longoria Bastón, noting how women might complain out loud about things they don’t like about their bodies. “I think when your body hears that negativity, it could be toxic,” she added. “Words create emotional poison, so be sure to thank your body. Be grateful to your body.”

After Longoria Bastón had her now 3-year-old son Santiago, she was in no hurry to lose the weight, saying she took a moment to just thank it for what it had done to create the love of her life. She noticed another change — she suddenly started to have blurry vision while reading to her son. “It’s super common. It affects a lot of us,” she said. And that’s when her doctor prescribed Vuity, the first FDA-approved eye drops to treat this condition.

“All of my friends are in my same age group, so I noticed all of us were having trouble seeing up close. For me, I just put a drop a day, and it helps me see better up close,” said the actress, who has a new culinary docuseries with CNN+ this spring out called Searching for Mexico.

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