Exploring Caregiver Type: Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging (ESFJ)

Caregiver personality includes extraversion, sensing, feeling, and judging (ESFJ). It is one of the 16 personality types identified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The caregiver personality type is a tender-hearted, organized, loyal, and outgoing personality like other extroverts. They love socializing with other people and they are best at encouraging people.

The upsetting part about ESFJ personality is that they face a hard time believing bad about others, especially about their loved ones. ESFJs can also be referred to as Consul. Can you think of a personality or loved one belonging to the ESFJ or caregiver personality? If yes, comment down in the below section.

Do you know famous personalities like Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Jennifer Lopez, Larry King, and LeBron James identified as ESFJ personalities? Do you relate yourself or your loved one as an extraverted, sensing, feeling, and judging (ESFJ)?

Read this blog to know more about the caregiver or ESFJ personality type from MBTI.

What is the ESFJ Personality Type?

ESFJ personality referred to as caregiver or consul includes extraversion, sensing, feeling, and judging. ESFJs are energized, detail-oriented, practical, productive, and organized personalities. They prioritize their relationship conscientiously and sensitively. In order to achieve their goals, they appropriately use their resources and efforts to make sense.

ESFJs are enthusiastic communicators; therefore, they make some of the best motivational team leaders, healthcare providers, and artists. They have sturdy interpersonal skills which makes them flexible towards accepting and overcoming criticism.

ESFJs are like other extroverts, but specifically, they like taking care of others which is why they are also referred to as conscientious helpers. They value tradition and loyalty in this modern world. They are some of the most generous people you’ll ever meet in this era.

In psychology, there are two subtypes of ESFJs: ESFJ-A and ESFJ-T.

ESFJ-A: ESFJ-A personality is assertive and ambitious. They know how to take a look from the positive side and how to handle stress. They are outspoken, authoritative, and self-motivated.

ESFJ-T: ESFJ-T is a turbulent type of personality that is more disciplined, self-controlled, introspective, and empathetic.

The Making of ESFJ Personality

Extraverted: Like other extroverts, ESFJs are also the same but they are great helpers and caregivers, you’ll always find them supporting, encouraging, or helping others.
Sensing: ESFJs are practical thinkers and action-oriented personalities; they make decisions practically and quickly.
Feeling: ESFJs are not a big fan of acknowledging their own feelings, however, they are great empaths, and they can effectively understand other’s needs.
Judging: ESFJs are quick-judgers; they accurately know what’s good or what’s bad.

Fact Check: ESFJ Personality Type

ESFJs make up about 9% to 13% of the general population wherein 7.5% are females and 3.5% are males.
Career options such as teaching, nursing, babysitting, counseling, social work, bookkeeping, office managing, and others are suitable for the ESFJ or caregiver personality type.
Famous ESFJ celebrities: Hugh Jackman, Barbara Walters, Sam Walton, Ariana Grande, Steve Harvey, and Jennifer Lopez
ESFJs are interested in hobbies like cooking, social sports, entertaining, celebrating holidays, and volunteering

Characteristics of ESFJ Personality

Below listed are some of the main characteristics of an ESFJ personality:

Sensitive towards others feelings and needs
Driven by external sources’ values
Loves helping others
Kind and giving personality
Wants to be appreciated or noticed by others
Get easily hurt
Avoids indifference and unkindness
Needs approval from others
Caring personality
Wants to be liked by everyone
Strong need to put control on others
Great understanding of others
Great supporters and bring the best out in people
Best at helping others

Strengths and Weaknesses of ESFJ Personality

Below listed are some of the strengths and weaknesses of an ESFJ or caregiver personality type:

Strengths of ESFJ
Weaknesses of ESFJ
●      Outgoing and loyal
●      Approval seeking personality
●      Kind and understanding
●      Needy and looks forward to being appreciated and acknowledged by others
●      Practical, organizers, and helpers
●      Avoids change
●      Conscientious
●      Controlling and intolerant sometimes
●      Strong sense of duty and good at communicating
●      Sensitive to disapproval and too selfless

ESFJ Personality in Different Areas of Life

1. Relationship

Like other extroverts, ESFJs or caregiver personality types love socializing and interacting with people. They have a great social circle and they gain energy through people. They offer one of the most genuine conversations with people; they are kind, practical, and empathetic.

They are best at understanding others’ feelings or emotions. When it comes to their relationship, they are willing to offer extended support; they are great at understanding and helping.

However, sometimes, they can be insensitive towards certain feelings which might make them look weird. Additionally, their certain needs such as approval-seeking and appreciation may cause conflict. Moreover, sometimes, they also try to exert control in their relationships which is not welcomed by all.

However, they are loyal, believe in putting effort, and make long-lasting relationships with people. As a partner, they are supportive and devoted, they are not into casual relationships, they like committed relationships. They are affectionate and feel happy when they are presented with the same values.

2. Career

ESFJs are extroverts, easygoing, practical, and helpful people, they often provide better skills when they are of some help to people. For example, healthcare and social services make them happy and satisfied. Therefore, career options such as teaching, nursing, babysitting, counseling, social work, bookkeeping, office managing, and others are suitable for the ESFJ or caregiver personality type.

3. Friendship

ESFJs value friendships a lot; they always put effort into making their friends happy. If you’re friends with such a personality, you may consider yourself lucky because they must be willing to keep the friendship maintained. ESFJs get along with people who don’t like criticism or conflicts.

4. Parenting

ESFJs as parents are responsible and family-loving. They know how to encourage their children regularly. If you’re parents of an ESFJ child, know that they love spending time with you, therefore, show some support or enthusiasm in their activities or interests. Additionally, make sure that they follow a routine so that they can develop a habit towards rules and boundaries.

I hope this blog helps you understand everything you want to know about ESFJ or caregiver personality type from MBTI. Do not forget to share this blog with the people who strike your mind when you think of the caregiver personality type.

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