Healthcare Design Launches 2022 A/E/C Survey

Healthcare Design is once again taking the industry’s pulse with our 2022 A/E/C Survey. This time, the magazine will dig into the details on how healthcare architecture, engineering, and construction firms from across the U.S. fared in 2021. From the size and cost of projects completed to the primary drivers behind new projects, A/E/C firms will be asked to share an inside look at how the industry performed last year and amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The data reported from participating firms—including the number of new contracts signed, total healthcare revenue, and a breakdown of project types— will be analyzed by Healthcare Design for an in-depth state-of-the-industry report to be published in the April 2022 issue and online.

The deadline to respond is Feb. 7.

Access the survey here:

Please note that only one submission per firm is permitted; participating firms must have completed at least one healthcare project in 2021.

Please send questions to Editor-in-Chief Jennifer Kovacs Silvis at

The post Healthcare Design Launches 2022 A/E/C Survey first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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