How to handle first-time buyer stress

Purchasing your first home can feel like a huge undertaking, but we’re breaking it down into manageable steps to help you over that threshold

Buying a first home is a milestone that many aim to achieve. Yet, it can also come with lots of ups and downs. To name just a few, as a first-time buyer you might struggle to find a suitable property or mortgage, have trouble with difficult sellers, experience delays in a property chain, or have a survey that reveals some problems with your property.

With so many potential challenges, it is easy to see how the process can feel overwhelming. According to a survey by the bank Aldermore, more than half (52%) of first-time buyers questioned said they were made ill by the stresses of the process.

Here, we look at practical ways you can help yourself feel less stressedwhen buying a house for the first time:

1. Think of the bigger picture

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day stresses of buying a home, and lose sight of the bigger picture.

Perhaps you’re looking forward to having a place to call your own after living with housemates or parents. Maybe you’re moving into a bigger space after having children, or perhaps your relationship is progressing and you’re buying a home with a partner. You could also take a moment to remember why you love your future home, and picture yourself there. It might be that your chosen place has a lovely garden, or that it’s more conveniently located for your social life.

Whatever your motivations for homeownership might be, keep them close in your mind and use them to help you manage the more stressful moments.

2. Seek support from friends and family

There are many people who can support you through the highs and lows of buying a home, and looking to your loved ones for support can really help. Family members and friends may be able to provide some words of reassurance and encouragement, or simply a cup of tea and a friendly face during stressful times. If you’re buying with a partner, you can also seek comfort and support in the shared experience.

3. Do your research and speak to professionals

One reason why the home buying process can be stressful is that it is mystified by jargon we may not fully understand at first glance.

With lots of new information to make sense of, breaking down the arious stages involved will go a long way to reduce any stress and worry. This is where doing your own research and speaking to professionals may come in handy.

A mortgage broker, if you decide to use one, can help you understand the process of applying for a mortgage and advise about the different products available. A conveyancer can explain the legal and financial side of making a purchase. Don’t feel afraid to reach out too, if you’re feeling unsure.

4. Make a to-do list

When buying your first home, there’s so much to think about.

You can help yourself feel less overwhelmed by creating a to-do list of actionable tasks, such as booking a removal van, making a list of furniture, planning budgets and so on. Once you have everything you need to do in one place, you won’t have to worry about forgetting anything.

5. Keep a routine

Making time to do something you enjoy can help relieve stress by giving you something to focus on that is non-home related, and allowing you a break from any challenges you may experience.

Following a regular routine can also give you a sense of predictability, which can be helpful when going through something unfamiliar. For example, going to bed and getting up at similar times each day or making regular plans with friends. It could also be helpful to have a dedicated time during the day to deal with any home-buying tasks, to make sure it doesn’t take up your whole day.

6. Understand it’s OK to feel nervous or worried

Buying a house is a significant financial and personal commitment. It’s OK to feel daunted by such a big step, so don’t give yourself a hard time if you feel a little worried.

Remember, stay focused on the end goal, lean on loved ones for support, speak to relevant professionals if you need information and advice, and stay positive – before you know it you’ll be picking up the keys to your very first home.

For further guidance on managing stress, visit

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