So, you’ve had a few drinks in you, and now you’re thinking about how to sober up fast. Trust me, it happens to the best of us, so seeking answers for that isn’t too odd. Now, whether you need to shake off the alcohol before morning creeps up with its never-ending tasks, or you just don’t want to mess with a terrible hangover, there’s no quick fix. But! There are ways you can sober up.
Alcohol in your body takes time to metabolize. More so, your body can only process one drink per hour, so how does it work?
While there’s no instant cure to help you sober up magically, you can engage in some ways to speed up your hangover, reduce the unease, and regain a bit of control. In this post, we’re looking at some such ways.
How to Sober Up Quickly?
Hydrate your body
Alcohol dehydrates your body fast, as it is a diuretic substance. Dehydration can make your hangover worse. If you’re dehydrated, then your headache, tiredness, dizziness, and more symptoms of hangover will worsen, making you feel horrible.
So, drink a lot of water. You can also drink coconut water or a sports drink with electrolytes to sober up quickly. However, avoid caffeinated beverages, as it’ll make your dehydration worse. This will not sober you up, but it will help your body process alcohol quickly.
Don’t skip your meals
Drinking on an empty stomach is never recommended, as on an empty stomach, alcohol enters your bloodstream faster. In between drinking, eat to slow alcohol absorption.
You can choose to eat eggs and nuts or proteins such as chicken, tofu, or fish. You can also snack on whole grains, bananas, or oats to prevent any energy crash. Again, this might not help you sober up fast, but it’ll slow down the alcohol in your bloodstream.
Move around, but not too much
I’m not saying that you need to exercise to burn off the alcohol, but moving around – just walking, even – can boost circulation and help your body process alcohol faster.
If you want to sober up fast, then do some gentle muscle stretching exercises or deep breathing. Do not do intense workouts if you’re looking to sober up. It’ll make your body harder to metabolize alcohol. And it’ll make you feel nauseous and horrible.
Take a cold bath
A cold bath or shower will not lower the alcohol content in your blood, but it will make you more refreshed and alert. It’s a neat trick if you want to sober up fast, but don’t expect it to clean the alcohol in your system.
If you can’t take a cold bath for some reason, then splash your face with ice-cold water or put a cold compress on your neck and wrists.
Sleep and rest
Another way to sober up fast is to let the body (and time) do its thing. All you need to do is curl up and sleep. This will allow your body to process alcohol naturally while giving it a chance to recover.
Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep, or if you can’t sleep that long, then take a 30-40 minute nap. However, before you go to sleep, try to reduce the alcohol level in your blood. Alcohol poisoning can pose a threat of brain damage if the alcohol content is too much in your system. When you wake up, drink plenty of water and eat something healthy.
Drink some herbal or cooling tea
If you are experiencing nausea or feel light-headed, then ginger or peppermint tea can be good for you. These beverages will not help you get undrunk, but they’ll help you settle your stomach and soothe any unease you feel.
Ginger helps reduce nausea, while peppermint helps fight headaches. These beverages will also keep you hydrated, helping your body process alcohol fast. If you can’t find tea, then substitute it with some ginger or mint candies.
Watch your drink count
Keep track of your drinks. When you pay attention to how much you’re drinking, it’ll help you stop and avoid getting drunk. More alcohol in your body will not help you sober up fast. So, once you realize your body has had enough, switch to water, herbal tea, or juice.
Take vitamins, but not medicines
Alcohol sucks up nutrients like vitamin B and zinc from your body. These nutrients are needed for a healthy brain function, so replenish them.
Eat food that is rich in zinc, like seeds, beans, and eggs. Or you can snack on foods such as whole grains or leafy greens. This will not remove alcohol from your body immediately, but it’ll help you feel normal.
Chew gum or suck on a lemon
If you want to sober up fast, then you can try chewing some gum or sucking on a lemon. The strong flavors will wake you up and help with the dryness in your mouth. The acidity in lemon can also help you control your nausea.
Mint gum, on the other hand, can help you feel more alert because of its cooling properties. It’s not a surefire way to sober up quickly, but it can help give temporary relief.
Know your limits
Social drinking is good, but know to stop when it makes you feel nauseous and causes you to become drunk. You can stick to a few alcoholic drinks or drink beverages with low alcohol content.
You can alternate between alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks to avoid getting drunk. Also, try to avoid mixing alcohol with caffeine or medications such as antidepressants. Make sure you know your limits before you consume alcohol.
Final Words:
The answer to the question, “Can you sober up fast?” is “Not exactly”. There are no given ways to sober up fast, but you can engage in healthy recovery tips to feel better. If you’re drunk, confused, or feeling unwell before, during, and after drinking, then reach out for help.
It’s always better to be safe than sorry, after all. Drink responsibly, know your limits, stay hydrated, and, more than anything else, take care of yourself.
If you or your loved one are looking for alcohol addiction recovery, then you can contact:
Alcoholics Anonymous
SMART Recovery
If you feel you’re unsafe in a social setting where alcohol is flowing, then contact a trusted person or get help immediately. Your safety comes first.
The post How to Sober Up Fast: 10 Healthy Ways appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.