Is Gen Z More Depressed? Why So?

The Generation Z, also known as Gen Z or iGen included the individuals born in between 1996 to 2013. In various researches and studies it has been found that the ‘Generation Z’ is the most depressed generation of all times.

The rising cases of depression and other mental health conditions has become a huge matter of concern. In fact the United states has begun screening children as young as 8 years old for mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

Depression in the ‘Gen z’ is on the rise and what’s heartbreaking is that most parents do not know what actually contributes to their Gen Z child developing depression.

Today we will be discussing all possible reasons behind Gen Z being the most depressed generation. “Why is Gen Z so sad and depressed?”

Is Gen Z A Depressed Generation?

There is no denying the fact that Gen Z has seen, heard or been through a lot of life altering situations in this short span of time. During the initial years of their life, Gen Z has seen violence (30 + wars have taken place since 1996), Gen Z grew alongside the increasing cases of sexual and emotional abuse. Gen Z has seen the worst of climate changes and this change in climate has affected the mental health of many.

Let’s not forget the pandemic, Covid 19 has hit all equally but Gen Z was somehow affected the most. Their future plans as well as the present plans have all been disturbed. Their financial calculation has gone to the dogs, they have no health care plans and some have come crashing down to square one.

A 2019 study released some statistics about the rate of depression in Gen Z. The statistics about increasing depression in Gen Z were somewhere around 46% of adolescents (11-14 years old) and 60% of teens (15-19 years old) were found to be depressed.

These numbers are concern worthy, imagine the number of Gen Z being depressed at this point of time! There are various similar studies reporting the statistic for anxiety, suicide and other mental health conditions and let me tell you the numbers aren’t good.

Keeping the statistics in mind, we can say that the ‘generation Z’ is a depressed generation. But the question here is why Gen Z is the most depressed generation?

Let’s find out!

Why Is Gen Z So Depressed?

While the world is changing but the stressors in general remain the same then why is this Gen Z so sad? Even Though the stressors may be similar, the intensity has definitely changed. The earlier generation did not have such quick access to social media and news. Gen Z has quick and free access to all sorts of information which is in a way responsible for depression, anxiety caused by headlines and can foster other mental health conditions.

Like I said before, the ‘Gen Z’  has seen or heard about a lot of violence in a really short plan of time which again can be responsible for the increasing rate of depression among Gen Z. The 9/11 attack and the various shoot outs are an example of the violence faced by the ‘Gen Z’.

In fact, in a survey almost 70% to 75% of respondents stated that the violence (such as mass shootings) has been one of the major sources of their stress. Problematic social media use also contributes to an increasing rate of depression in Gen Z, according to a 2021 study.

Some other risking factors that contribute to the rise in depression along Gen Z are:

Climate change,
Increased procrastination,
Increased suicides,
Increase in deportation and separation of immigrants,
Increase in sexual and emotion abuse,
Extreme change in behavior due to stress,
Inability to manage pandemic stress,
Low economic status, etc.

How To Help The ‘Gen Z’?

By now I think you’ve had an idea of why Gen Z is so depressed. If you have figured it out, it will be wise to help Gen Z out. We all need to join hands in helping the most depressed generation because they are the future and we need to protect them.

Now, we can bring the horse to the river but we can’t make it drink the water. Here are some ways you can guide the Gen Z but the decision of taking care of their mental health is on them. Let’s see how the millennials and the Gen X can help Gen Z;

Help them seek professional help
Promote taking therapy
Encourage them to join social support groups
Build a growth promoting environment at home/school/work
Talk about the importance of mental health and end the stigma

That’s all Folks!

I hope you found this piece of information helpful. If you are a Gen Z, make sure you put extra efforts in maintaining your mental health. If you have a Gen Z child, make sure you show them the right path and give them all the support they need. I hope now you know why Gen Z is so sad and considered the most depressed generation!

Thanks for reading.

Take care and stay safe.

The post Is Gen Z More Depressed? Why So? appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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