Know Thyself: 10 Ways to Find Out What You’re Good At

A couple of years ago, I asked this question to my family, “What are your hobbies?” At first, they couldn’t understand the question, so I phrased it differently. I asked, “What do you think you’re good at?” and then, I saw as my family floundered to find an answer to the posed question. To me, it was clear. We all have things we’re good at, so what was it that my loved ones were good at according to them?

It’s just not my family either. I’ve heard and seen many of my friends and acquaintances scratch their heads to figure out an answer to this question. I used to feel frustrated too when I couldn’t figure out the things I’m good at.

Understanding your strengths and figuring out what you excel at can be a key step in gaining self-discovery and self-improvement. Whether you’re a college student, a professional well-settled in your career, or just someone trying to understand yourself better, answering the question, “What am I good at?” can help you in your journey of self-reflection and eventual growth.

So, let’s try and find out what you’re good at in this article!

Why Should You Figure Out What You’re Good At?

Knowing your strengths and what you’re good at can help you gain clarity about your more natural talents and abilities. This clarity can then help you set clear goals and make decisions that align with your vision and values. After all, if your future isn’t aligned with your talents and goals, how are you to live a fulfilling life?

Figuring out what you excel in can also boost your confidence and make you approach every challenge with a positive mindset. This confidence can also help you gain resilience, enabling you to tackle all challenges with self-assuredness.

Now, I feel that when you’re aware of your strengths, it can better help you align yourself with your dream job or career, ensuring that you lead a satisfying life and career. This alignment also helps you find better opportunities in the field where you choose to go.

Engaging in activities that align with your strengths can also create a state of “flow”, meaning you fully immerse yourself in what you’re doing. This engagement makes every action more enjoyable and ensures that you’re in the present moment, enhancing your performance as well as productivity.

Moreover, knowing what you’re good at can contribute to your overall well-being. This knowledge allows you to create and build a life that is more in tune with your true self. When you go after activities that bring your strengths to the surface, promoting a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, positively impacting your mental and emotional health.

What You’re Good At vs. What You’re Passionate About

“What You’re Good At” and “What You’re Passionate About” are two different yet interconnected aspects that can play a huge role in shaping your life.

When I say, “what you’re good at” I refer to your natural talents and skills. These are areas where you’re proficient and excel without effort. You can hone these skills with practice and patience. Identifying what you’re good at can help you figure out your core strengths, enabling you to use your skills to your advantage.

Now, when I say, “what you’re passionate about” I refer to activities or causes that resonate with you on an emotional, mental, or even spiritual level. Passions are what you genuinely enjoy and want to invest your time and effort into, regardless of the rewards they present. Pursuing your passions can bring a sense of joy, fulfillment, and purpose to your life, allowing you to create a meaningful life.

10 Ways to Find What You’re Good At

So, how to know what you’re good at? Here are 10 effective ways to figure out what you’re good at;

1. Try Self-Reflection

Start by taking some time for self-reflection. Ask yourself questions and look back at moments when you felt accomplished, confident, and genuinely fulfilled. You can use this time to reflect on your hobbies, interests, and other activities that you enjoy in your free time. Knowing all this can help you figure out where your natural talents lie.

2. Ask Your Loved Ones About It

Reach out to your friends, family, colleagues, and mentors and ask them what they think about your talents and passions. Sometimes, others can see your strengths and talents more clearly than you can. Ask them about examples when they notice you excelling. Allow their feedback to help you find your strengths and skills.

3. Experiment with New Activities

Exploring new activities or hobbies can be an excellent way to uncover your hidden talents. Try out different things so that you are exposed to a variety of experiences and challenges, helping you figure out what resonates with you the most. Keep an open mind and embrace the learning as you step out of your comfort zone.

4. Whatever You Do, Give It Time

You might want to try new activities and hobbies to figure out what you’re good at and that’s good! But make sure, you give yourself and the things you try enough time. This means, not giving up on them when you don’t feel that instant “click” or “connection”; this means, not giving up on them even if they seem boring. There are many things in your life that might not click instantly but might end up being something you’re naturally good at.

5. Notice What Comes Naturally

Pay close attention to activities, hobbies, and interests that come naturally to you and require minimal effort. These activities and hobbies might often indicate areas where you possess a natural talent and skill. While it’s important to challenge your mind, it’s also essential to recognize what feels effortless. This will help guide you to your natural talent.

6. Look Back on Past Achievements

Look back on your past achievements – whether academic, professional, or personal. Recognize the skills and abilities that contributed to your success back then. Take these accomplishments as they are as they can help you pinpoint your natural talents and know how you’ve used your talents to your advantage without even knowing!

7. Keep a Journal as a Record

You can also try keeping a journal to record your thoughts, experiences, and reflections as you go through your journey. Record instances when you felt a sense of accomplishment, confidence, excitement, or just simple but genuine interest. As you move on, you can review your journal to gain insights into recurring patterns and know what you’re good at.

Also Read 20+ Morning Journal Prompts to Start Your Day With a Smile!

8. Listen to Your Excitement

Passion and excitement often accompany activities and hobbies that align with your skills. Notice what hobbies, interests, or activities make you feel engaged and excited. Your genuine enthusiasm can help you figure out areas where you excel and help you make a meaningful change in your lifestyle.

9. Don’t Be Afraid of Challenges

While focusing on your skills and talents is good, it’s also important to embrace the challenges that come with them. This acceptance will encourage growth. Overcoming difficulties can uncover hidden talents and improve existing ones. Don’t be afraid of new experiences simply because you’ve never tried them before. Herein lies all the fun!

10. Don’t Overthink About It

Sometimes, all you need to do is go with the flow. Don’t allow yourself to overthink about what you’re good at or not. Just enjoy the journey you’ve set out for yourself. As you figure out what you excel in, try and keep track of your progress. If you make mistakes or fall short of your expectations, don’t let them keep you down. Be patient and just enjoy the ride. You’ll find your way eventually.

Also Read Is Overthinking Disorder Real? How to Stop The Cycle of Overthinking?

Wrapping Up…

“The only thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.” – Neil Gaiman

Discovering what you’re good at is a journey of self-reflection that needs patience and soul-searching. Combine techniques of self-discovery, move out of your comfort zone, seek others’ feedback, attend to your natural talents, and keep experimenting with new things to figure out what you are good at. With time, you’ll be able to uncover your hidden talents and skills.

Remember that you can improve your skills and talents, so continue to explore them, learn, and adapt as you grow in your life.

I hope this blog helped you find ways to figure out what you’re good at. If there are other ways you’d like to share with us, drop them in the comments below and we’ll make sure to add them to the blog.

Take Care!

The post Know Thyself: 10 Ways to Find Out What You’re Good At appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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