Laura Brand: “I love learning in adulthood”

Creator of The Joy Journal for Grown Ups Laura Brand joins Happiful’s podcast to talk about creativity, connection, curiosity and her passion for lifelong learning

Laura Brand, author of The Joy Journal for Grown Ups: 50 homemade craft ideas to inspire creativity and connection, joins I am. I have to share that she’s still ‘the weird child’ at heart and why learning as an adult is so important to her.

Read an interview about The Joy Journal for Grown Ups in the upcoming edition of Happiful, out on May 19. Subscribe today to receive it through your letterbox!

From Laura’s episode of I am. I have

I am still the ‘weird child’

« I don’t see it as putting myself down, » Laura shares, smiling at the label. « I’m really coming to embrace the fact that I like my own space, I like solitude, I like spending a lot of time outside. I really, really enjoyed make-believe and I was very engaged in my imagination and had big visions for things. I would say that I’m coming home to that part of myself. »

Laura reflects on the journey back to her true self. « What happens is that, as you get older, you fall into a much more run of the mill work-life, probably leaning towards stuff you’re not intended to be doing, » she explains. She attributes motherhood, personal growth, moving to the country, and having an incredibly supportive partner as the main factors for her recovery from burnout and coming back to what she knew she wanted to be doing in her heart.

« I changed my life completely. I engage much more with an outdoor life now, that’s probably why I’m coming back to being that person. The child that would be outside collecting twigs and sticks with muddy hands and muddy boots. So I am still that child with intrigue and curiosity. »

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I am learning

« As I write about in the book, I didn’t always have the easiest time learning at school, » Laura explains. « I found concentrating terrible, I really struggled. I got labelled dyslexic at 13 and it was helpful because they gave you assisted learning for exams but really what I felt it almost did, was give me an excuse not to be as good as everybody. »

Laura shares that she had a real thirst for knowledge and education, which sadly dropped away when she was made aware of this label. However, over 10 years later, that desire to learn came back once again.

I love learning in adulthood. Rephrasing the ‘I’m not good at’ to ‘show me how’! »

« When I was burnt out, I decided to learn massage. I wanted to do something calming and mind-body related. I got a certificate in that and Reiki healing but I didn’t intend it to be my job. I had this want for equipping myself with things I felt I couldn’t do or didn’t have time to do before. I started to learn about the body and I found it absolutely fascinating. »

Learning hypnobirthing around the time Laura gave birth to her first daughter was also the catalyst for her to train herself to teach others, something she now does once or twice a year to support parents who are experiencing the same difficulties she and her partner were before they started the course.

« I love seeing people learning new things at this stage in life, » Laura beams. « I love learning in adulthood. Rephrasing the ‘I’m not good at’ to ‘show me how!' »

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Listen to Laura’s episode of I am. I have.

The Joy Journal for Grown Ups: 50 homemade craft ideas to inspire creativity and connection is out now. Follow Laura on Instagram.

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