Lucky Saint partner with MHFA to support the hospitality industry

Alcohol-free brand Lucky Saint and Mental Health First Aid England embark on a mission to champion better mental health in the food and drink industry

Mental health affects us all, however, the pandemic has no doubt hit certain industries harder than others. The hospitality and retail industry has had a tough time, negotiating various lockdowns and high stress returns to work. In a bid to support the professionals working in this sector, alcohol-free brand Lucky Saint has partnered with Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England.

Offering training in mental health first aid, MHFA England hopes to achieve its mission of training one in 10 people across the country so we are better equipped to support ourselves and others. Keen to extend this mission within the hospitality sector, Lucky Saint has already trained its entire team and are now teaming up with MHFA England to positively impact the rest of the industry.

The first external training session will take place early next year and will be for Lucky Saint’s launch partner Honest Burgers. Co-founder of Honest Burgers Tom Barton commented to express the importance of this work.

“The training will teach those in attendance how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing mental health issues, and provide the attendees with the confidence to listen, reassure and respond to those individuals. I’m proud to join the amazing team at Lucky Saint – together we will make a real difference to the lives of thousands of hospitality and retail professionals and the businesses they work in, leading the way in championing good mental health.”

This news comes as Alcohol Awareness Week kicks off, a week that encourages us to consider our relationship with alcohol and how it may be affecting our health, both physically and mentally. Statistics from Alcohol Change UK reveal that 50% of UK drinkers admitted they turned to drinking alcohol for mental health reasons during the pandemic.

Now then feels like an apt time for Lucky Saint to be promoting the benefits of moderation. Founder of Lucky Saint, Luke Boase noted that, for them, the greatest reward of drinking is all about the social connection, not the alcohol itself. “Whether you’re enjoying a drink at the end of a long shift, or out with friends, I created Lucky Saint to provide a great-tasting and refreshing alternative to alcohol. And in doing so, better supporting our mental health.”

If you’re keen to explore your own relationship with alcohol, you may find these articles helpful:

Do you recognise these signs of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol?Here we share five ways you can lower how much you drink.Be inspired by Alex and Lisa’s story that led them to launch The Sober Experiment.

And if you want to learn more about MHFA training, learn more about the training we offer from Simpila Healthy solutions.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, know that support is available. Learn more and connect with a counsellor at Counselling Directory.

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