Meditate At Home With 5 Simple Steps (Which Type Of Meditation To Try At Home)

Finding time to meditate at home can be a challenge in itself when you’re trying to balance work from home, your kids’ academics, and whatnot. In the last few years, your home has become more than just a place to relax. It has become your workplace, your kids’ playground, school, and even a diner.

You might be wondering that amidst all this chaos, how do you meditate? How to find the relaxation you desperately need? We have all the answers for you!

Meditation, the ancient practice of relaxation, can not only help reduce stress, anxiety, and overthinking but can also help when you just need a break from it all. And where is the best place to just be if not your home sweet home? (no matter how chaotic it may be now)

Meditation, especially mindfulness meditation can help bring your attention to the present moment. Being in the present moment or being mindful means that you’re in tune with your physical senses instead of your thoughts and feelings caused by over worrying.

Let’s take a look at the amazing benefits of meditation, what types of meditation you must try at home, and how to meditate at home.

How Does Meditation Help?

Meditation means letting your thoughts wander but not letting them overpower your physical and mental senses. The idea of meditation is simple. All you need is patience. When I first started practicing meditation, my mind would refuse to quiet down and I thought I was doing something wrong.

Later, I realized that meditation isn’t all about shutting your mind down. It’s okay if your mind is bombarded with a hundred thoughts. All you have to do is take a breath, focus on breathing, and just be.

Other ways meditation can help include:

Reduced Ruminating Thoughts: Meditation helps bring your focus back to the present moment so if you’re ruminatingabout your past or the future, meditation can bring your focus back to the present without judgment.
Improves Relationships: Another benefit of meditation is that it can help improve your patience and compassion towards others, hence improving your relationship with others.
Increases Creativity:We all have ideas in our minds that pop up randomly. With meditation, you can learn to focus on those ideas better and let your creativity flow. Of course, during meditation, you also get the time to take a break and reflect.
Increases Brain Power: Another amazing benefit of meditation is that it can help rewire your brainaka neuroplasticity. In this process, you replace your old unhealthy habits with new, productive ones. Meditation is one of the techniques that can help rewire your brain and increase your brainpower.

Read Also:- Why Meditation is Important? Benefits of Meditation

How To Meditate At Home?

When it comes to meditation at home, the steps are quite simple and easy to follow. To start meditation at home, all you need to do is:

1.Find A Comfortable Spot

The very first step of practicing meditation at home is to find a comfortable place to practice. Your home is full of distractions but you can still find a spot that makes you feel at ease. It could be your favorite corner, your couch, your bedroom, or your balcony. You can either lay down or sit comfortably with your back straight when meditating.

Whatever comfortable spot you pick, remember to sit in the same spot for meditation as it will help your brain rewire and create a habit.

2.Set An Intention

The second step when meditating at home is to set an intention. What do you want to achieve from this meditation? Lower stress, better sleep, or just relaxation? Once you figure out your intention, pick the type of meditation that suits you best. According to your intention, you can also select a time to meditate at home. Is morning meditation better or meditation before bed?

Remember, pick the type of meditation that suits you and your intention. Your goal should match the practice for better results.

3.Take One Step At A Time

It takes a lot of patience and practice when it comes to meditation. So instead of doing it all in one go, take one step at a time. Try to keep your time limit to 5-10 minutes in the beginning and when you feel comfortable, only then work your way forward and increase your time limit. There is no need to hurry. You should meditate as long as you’re comfortable with it.

The quantity or how long you meditate is not the primary concern here. The quality of the meditation is. You can even practice for 2 minutes if it fulfills your purpose and completes your intention.

4.Start With Guided Meditations

If you’re a beginner at meditation or if it’s your first time meditating at home, then start with guided meditations. You can find instructional videos on YouTube or you can download meditation apps to guide you. You can also experiment with the different methods but pick the method that works best for you.

Sometimes you may find that meditation at home is easier without a guide or others sharing the same space but sometimes the stress may be too much and you might need some guidance to move forward. It’s OK to ask for guidance.

5.Be Patient & Keep Calm

Meditation at home is simple but it may not always be easy. There will come a time when your mind is quiet but other times, it won’t stop wandering. Remember, it’s normal and it’s OK. All you need to have is some patience. If your mind refuses to quiet down during meditation, it’s OK. Be kind to yourself and take a deep breath.

Avoid being harsh on yourself if you fail to meditate at home. Remember, practicing meditation isn’t about shutting your brain but is about letting your thoughts flow, acknowledging them, and letting them go.

You can do this!

The Types Of Meditation When Meditating At Home

There are many types of meditation that you can pick according to your need and comfort. However, there are some meditation techniques that you can easily and smoothly practice at home, with little to no guidance.

Try these techniques when practicing meditation at home:

1.Loving-Kindness Meditation (LKM)

This type of meditation is pretty simple and most preferred when it comes to practicing meditation at home. Loving-kindness meditation, as the name suggests, allows you to open your heart and mind to the connection we share with others (including the universe). With this meditation, you can easily increase compassion towards yourself and others.

2.Body Scan Meditation

Practicing meditation at home can be challenging on your mind-body connection but with body scan meditation, you can strengthen the connection. This technique involves doing a gentle scan of your body (from head to toe). This will help you notice the tension in your body and will make it easier to release the tension and relax.

3.Focused Attention Meditation

Meditation at home can be easy with focused attention meditation. This type of meditation involves focusing your attention on either an object, sensation, or sound (for example: using a candle as an object). When you focus on the object, your mind might wander but all you need to do is to bring your attention back to the object. Simple, isn’t it?

4.Pet Meditation

If you have a fur baby at home then you can even meditate with them! Sounds fun, doesn’t it? Well, if you’re looking to shake up your routine, then pet meditation is a good choice. Easy-to-practice, meditation with pets can help people who find it difficult to meditate on their own. All you gotta do is to start with basic breathing exercises but involve feeling your pet’s heartbeat. You can also focus on your furry friend’s breathing to stay in the present.

5.Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is another technique you can use to practice meditation at home. One of the most popular meditation types, mindfulness meditation helps bring your attention to the present moment while letting your thoughts pass through without judgment. You can use an object, sensation, or thought to focus on during this meditation.

Read Also:- Candle Meditation: A Soulful Way To Meditate

6.Mantra Meditation

Another meditation you can try at home is mantra meditation. This type of meditation uses repetitive mantras, phrases, or even a sound (for example; “Om”) to clear the mind. You can either repeat the mantra silently or out loud. This meditation technique helps you experience self-awareness. All you need to do is to focus on the vibration that the sound brings.

Meditation is one of the most powerful practices to help reduce your stress, improve your focus, and relax. You can meditate anywhere, anytime. Meditation at home may seem difficult at first but with the above steps, it can be done.

Find a comfortable place, pick the type of meditation that suits you, and just begin. Remember to take it slow and be kind to yourself. After all, kindness is the essence of meditation.

I hope the above steps will help you practice meditation at home. For more, you can write to us at or DM us on social media. You can also share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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Breathe in, breathe out, and relax…

The post Meditate At Home With 5 Simple Steps (Which Type Of Meditation To Try At Home) appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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