Money Dysmorphia – Signs to Watch Out For!

You might have heard of financial anxiety and financial stress, but here’s another term that might be more accurate to describe the constant worry about your finances – Money Dysmorphia.

Worrying about your finances in this economy is normal, but if this worry never leaves you whether you’re awake or asleep, then it could be more than just anxiety. If you constantly worry about money, feel guilty after spending it, or avoid financial decisions, you might experience money dysmorphia. While money dysmorphia is not a recognized mental health disorder, the term can describe irrational fears and anxieties over your financial situation.

So, how do you know if you have money dysmorphia? What signs do you need to watch out for? And if you do experience it, what to do about it? Let’s read more!

What is Money Dysmorphia?

Money dysmorphia is a distorted perception of your financial reality. This disorder mirrors body dysmorphia (BDD), a mental health disorder where one’s perception of their body is distorted. In this case, it is your finances that look unhealthy and distorted.

A study found that money dysmorphia affects 29% of Americans. Moreover, money dysmorphia is affecting younger adults, with over 40% of both Gen Z and Millennials reporting feeling financially unhealthy, regardless of their actual financial situation.

Some common money dysmorphia examples could include:

  • Earning well but panicking over spending too much
  • Skipping hanging out with friends because you feel financially insecure
  • Spending hours stressing over small expenses and feeling guilty about spending
  • Refusing to spend on experiences as you believe that spending is wasteful

Signs of Money Dysmorphia

Money dysmorphia can look different for everyone, so the symptoms and signs of the disorder might also vary. However, here are some common money dysmorphia symptoms you need to know.

You avoid checking your bank balance.

If you avoid checking your bank account because you fear what you’ll see, then it can be a sign of money dysmorphia. You go with the principle “What I don’t know won’t hurt me”. In the end, ignoring your finances won’t make the anxiety go away. If only, it makes it worse.

You overspend without considering the consequences.

You use your credit card, go impulsive shopping, and convince yourself that you’ll figure something out. You overspend on takeout, designer things, or expensive trips without considering the aftermath. You regret your decisions when bills pile up. If this is you, then it’s a sign you have money dysmorphia.

You constantly worry about savings.

No matter your savings, you worry that you don’t have enough. If you keep dwelling on the “what ifs” then take it as a money dysmorphia symptom that you should not ignore. While it’s ok to be financially cautious, worrying too much can stop you from enjoying your present.

You feel anxious about spending money.

Every purchase you make, even if it’s necessary, fills you with fear and guilt. You always second-guess buying things, even when you can afford it. The thought of spending money gives you anxiety. If you can relate to this, then take it as another sign of money dysmorphia.

You feel guilty for your expenses.

No matter how necessary you purchase it, you feel guilty. You overthink about how you should have saved instead of spending your money. Even buying groceries is a decision you feel guilty over.

You feel you don’t have enough money.

Another money dysmorphia symptom to watch out for is the feeling of financial insecurity. No matter your investments and savings, you keep feeling insecure when it comes to your finances. You feel that you never have enough money and this makes it hard for you to recognize financial stability.

You compare your finances with others.

Another sign of money dysmorphia is when you can’t stop comparing your financial situation with those of your friends and family. When you see others doing well financially, you feel inadequate. This constant comparison can also add to your stress and anxiety, making you feel worse.

If you see these signs in yourself, then you’re not alone! Money dysmorphia is real and can hold you back from enjoying your life.

How to Overcome Money Dysmorphia?

While we can’t point to one cause of money dysmorphia, that does not mean that there are no ways to overcome money dysmorphia. Here are some tips that can help you treat money dysmorphia:

Find Your Triggers

Pay attention to what causes you to feel financially anxious. Do you feel stressed when you check your bank account? Do you feel guilty and regret making necessary expenses? Knowing what causes your money dysmorphia can help you manage it effectively.

Check in with Yourself Regularly

Try to have a day each month to go over your finances. Knowing what comes in and what goes out can help you ease your money-related fears. Keep a budget and check in with your bank balance regularly to focus on facts over anxiety.

Change Your Mindset

If you always think about the “what ifs”, then try to change your thinking. Move your thoughts to a more positive charge. One simple change in how you see your budget and finances can make you feel more in control.

Talk to a Financial Advisor

Another way you can overcome money dysmorphia is to ask for financial advice from a professional! A financial advisor can help you get a clear picture of where you are with your money and how you can plan for your future without anxiety taking over your mind.

Money’s Important But So Are You.

Money dysmorphia can make you feel financially insecure even when you are financially stable and well-off. This disorder can distort your reality by making your fears and anxieties seem too big. The good news is that you can learn to see the signs of money dysmorphia, see what triggers you, and overcome money dysmorphia.

Take charge of your money mindset and don’t forget that while money is important, so are you and your mental health. You’re not alone in facing this insecurity, so don’t let it control you.

The post Money Dysmorphia – Signs to Watch Out For! appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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