Natural Community: Sheppard Pratt Baltimore/Washington Campus

Sheppard Pratt Health System is the largest private nonprofit provider of mental health services in the country. Its new facility set within the Maryland woodlands makes its services more accessible to the surrounding communities; the new Baltimore/Washington campus is in an area of rapid development and close to mass transit and interstates. In addition to providing services to adults, Sheppard Pratt’s new facility includes a separate adolescent unit for patients ages 12 through 17 who require crisis stabilization in an inpatient environment. Several multifunctional day treatment program areas are available for outpatient needs, as well.

The design draws inspiration from the surrounding forest, with interior courtyards and exterior pathways offering a variety of opportunities for connecting with the nearby hills, hollows, creeks, and wetlands while maintaining patient privacy and safety.

Inside, all areas of the hospital flow seamlessly into one another with easy wayfinding and lack of harsh security measures thanks to adaptable design considerations based on the level of safety needed in each space. For example, inpatient and crisis care environments have more stringent design considerations such as anti-ligature solutions and unmovable furniture. But similar furniture, finishes, and other interior design touches are carried into outpatient and visitor spaces, though those features may be more flexible and movable. This provides a seamless environment and experience throughout the facility regardless of acuity and does not stigmatize any specific patient population.

Fostering community was an overarching goal of the project, as well. Because Sheppard Pratt was designed as a large and sprawling facility to accommodate inpatient and outpatient services, the interiors break down its size by turning each of the five patient units into an identifiable neighborhood. Each unit has a designated color, icon, and name inspired by areas of Maryland to create a sense of community within and bolster a sense of belonging for patients.


Project details:

Facility name: Sheppard Pratt Baltimore/Washington campus

Location: Elkridge, Md.

Completion date: June 2021

Owner: Sheppard Pratt

Total building area: 156,000 sq. ft.

Total construction cost: N/A
Cost/sq. ft.: N/A

Architect: CannonDesign

Interior designer: CannonDesign

Builder: Lewis Contractors

General contractor: Lewis Contractors

Engineers: Leach Wallace (MEP, fire protection); Columbia Engineering (structural); Daft McCune Walker (civil)

Landscape architect: Mahan Rykiel Associates


The post Natural Community: Sheppard Pratt Baltimore/Washington Campus first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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