Nebraska Children’s Hospital & Medical Center To Add $89M Behavioral Health And Wellness Center

The Children’s Hospital & Medical Center in Omaha, Neb., is adding a behavioral health and wellness center for teens and children to its campus, according to the website

The 103,000-square-foot Behavioral Health & Wellness Center at Children’s will house 38 inpatient hospital beds, a pediatric mental health urgent care center, behavioral health emergency assessment center, expanded partial hospitalization program, and a pediatric primary care clinic with outpatient mental health services. Green space and parking are also planned.

Situated on 7 acres, the project is expected to open in spring or summer 2025. The Mental Health Innovation Foundation (Omaha) will manage the $89 million facility.

The post Nebraska Children’s Hospital & Medical Center To Add $89M Behavioral Health And Wellness Center first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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