Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Opens Dedicated Geriatric Unit

Newark Beth Israel Medical Center (Newark, N.J.), an RWJBarnabas Health facility, has opened a new comprehensive geriatric unit that includes 24 private beds and spans two floors of the hospital.

The unit is designed for older adult patients and features large-sized rooms to accommodate physical therapy activities, beds specifically designed to reduce pressure injuries and reduce fall hazards, cushioned slip-resistant flooring, and sliding doors to private bathrooms with guardrails. Additionally, select rooms have been outfitted with equipment to support non-ambulatory patients.

The unit also features hallways with guardrails, pull-out seating, a centralized nurses’ station, and dimmable lighting as well as wheelchair-accessible family visitor lounges.

The project is part of an $150 million expansion project, which also includes expanded adult and pediatric emergency departments, new hybrid operating rooms, a new critical care unit, and a renovated maternity unit.

The post Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Opens Dedicated Geriatric Unit first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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