News: What To Know About Pride Month 2024 (Meaning, Theme, & More)

Pride Month is celebrated in June every year! June is a time when we rejoice in the “most-celebrated community” around the world. It’s the month of parades, diversity, celebration, self-acceptance, achievements, and most importantly pride.

Do you know that the first pride was held in 1970? However, the official recognition came much later. Well, whenever the world thinks of pride month, we think of resilience, strong sense, efforts, diversity, self-expression, individuality, connection, diminished stereotypical thinking, and whatnot!

In this blog, let’s find out what the 2024 Pride Month offers this year (meaning, theme, calendar, and more). So, let’s get started! 

Key Notes

The month of June is celebrated as Pride Month every year. This year, it runs from June 1 (Saturday) to June 30 (Sunday).

The significance of Pride Month is to celebrate the uniqueness of the LGBTQIA+ community and to show support for the community.

The number of US Adults identifying as LGBTQIA+ has doubled in the last 12 years.
“Love Always Wins” is one of the most celebrated themes of Pride Month. This year’s theme is “Medicine- #UnderTheScope” in the UK.

Meaning of Theme: “Medicine- #UnderTheScope”

In the UK, this year’s theme rejoices LGBTQIA+ contribution to the field of Medicine and Healthcare. During the events, the allies will be showcasing how amazingly LGBTQIA+ staff work across different healthcare settings. This year will be focusing on looking “Under The Scope” and listening to LGBTQIA+ struggles related to health inequalities. 

Events of Pride Month 2024- USA

This year, the NYC Pride March will take place on Sunday, June 30 at 11 a.m. The theme of the NYC Pride March is “Reflect. Empower. Unite.”
Jersey Pride, also referred to as “Asbury Park Pride Parade” is the longest and largest LGBTQ running pride event celebrated in New Jersey. This year, it will be celebrated on Sunday, June 2. 
In Washington, D.C, pride events will be conducted on June 8 (Parade) and June 9 (Festival) and the theme is “Totally Radical.” 
In Los Angeles, pride events will be conducted on June 8 (LA Pride Festival) and June 9 (Parade) and the theme is “Power in Pride.” 
In San Francisco, pride events will be conducted from June 29 and the theme is “Beacon of Love.” 
In Seattle, the theme is “Now” in respect of the original rallying cry for the recognition of community. 

Meaning of Theme: “Reflect. Empower. Unite”

NYC’s theme (Reflect. Empower. Unite), highlights the importance of queer freedom and joy. This theme encourages members, advocates, allies, leaders, and supporters to reflect on the challenges. This theme empowers and unites the members to shape a collective future. 

Why is Pride Month Celebrated Every Year?

Pride Month is a celebration of the uniqueness, individuality, self-expression, and diversity of the LGBTQIA+ community. This month allies support the self-acceptance, legal rights, acknowledgment, self-expression, and individuality of each member of the LGBTQIA+ community. Pride marches are conducted all around the world; the events are colorful and flamboyant representing the uniqueness of the community. 

What’s the History of Pride Month? 

Protests for LGBTQ+ liberation began on June 28, 1969, after Stonewall riots. 
The first pride marches were held in 1970. 
In 1999, President Bill Clinton affirmed June as “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.” 
In 2009, President Barack Obama referred to Pride Month as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.” 
The rainbow flag is powerful, but do you know there are more than 20 different flags that represent different identities from the LGBTQIA+ community? 
Pride month is celebrated in different months in New Zealand. In Wellington and Christchurch, it is celebrated in March, and in Auckland, Pride Month is celebrated in February. 
National Coming Out Day is celebrated on October 11, every year. 

What does Pride Stand for?

Pride itself celebrates uniqueness and diversity. The LGBTQIA+ community includes several identities associated with gender identity and sexual orientation. Below is the full form of LGBTQIA+ 

L: Lesbian 
G: Gay  
B: Bisexual 
T: Transgender
Q: Queer or questioning 
I: Intersex
A: Asexual 
+: Includes other identities under the umbrella 

Related Read: Glossary of Gender and Sexual Identity Terms 

How to Celebrate Pride Month? 

10 LGBTQ Support Groups to Join 
10 Positive Ways to Celebrate Pride Month
12 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month (Virtually) 

For more such content, connect with us through all social media platforms. 

Happy Pride! 

The post News: What To Know About Pride Month 2024 (Meaning, Theme, & More) appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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