No Longer Home is Available Now for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Discover the magic of every life, and the complex emotions of saying goodbye to an important stage of your life in No Longer Home, out now on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

No Longer Home is a slice-of-life story, following Ao and Bo, two queer, non-binary students who’ve recently graduated and are preparing to leave the flat they’ve shared for a year.

Thanks to visa limitations, Ao is forced to return to Japan, leaving Bo in England. Disillusioned by post-educational life and shoved aside by a government who doesn’t want them there, both are trying to come to terms with their uncertain futures.

No Longer Home is a semi-autobiographical game, born when we, Hana and Cel, the developers of the game, were similarly forced apart after university, and decided to stay in touch by working on a game together. We chose this project as a way to explore and express the emotions that came with saying goodbye.

With magical realism elements including the new multi-eyed, animal-like flatmate and strange objects appearing around the flat, No Longer Home explores the magic in the mundane everyday, and how hard it can be to move on from a period of your life.

No Longer Home is our first game release. Being semi-autobiographical it’s been an emotional journey to create, and we hope you can find personal resonance in the themes that are relatable for everyone. We hope you enjoy exploring No Longer Home.

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