No Need For an Expensive Yoga Class With This Instructive & TikTok-Viral Yoga Mat

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For those who want to get back into yoga or those who like performing alone, it can be daunting. Sometimes, you don’t want to be in a crowded room to unwind, especially if you’re a beginner who’s still a bit self-conscious. We’ve all been there and there’s nothing to be self-conscious of when doing your self-care routine. But now, you can practice self-care in the comfort of your own home.

Back in Jan, a TikToker by the handle of @passionista_soul, also known as Danielle, shared a video to her followers of another amazing Amazon find. The video is entitled “Amazon FTW (For the win) Part 196.” She showed a “really cool” yoga mat with over 70 yoga poses on it. Danielle explained that even if you’re not in a class, it’ll help you with your own yoga flow. She raved about it, saying she loved that it’s thick, BPA-free, non-slip, and super easy to clean.

You can watch the TikTok video HERE.

After posting, everyone went to Amazon to see the instructional, game-changing yoga mat for themselves.

Courtesy of Grand Basics

Buy: Grand Basics Instructional Yoga Mat $38.95

The Grand Basics Instructional Yoga Mat is an instructional yoga mat, perfect for beginners or those who like to do their yoga routine alone. This thick, non-slip mat is portable, meaning you can brush up on your yoga routine anytime, anywhere. With both the English and Asana names, this mat has 75 unique poses in yoga to help you limber up and go with the flow.

Most of the reviews on Amazon are from happy customers, raving about the mat that upped the ante for their routine. The top Amazon review said, “I really like this mat. There are stretching images on one side and yoga images on the other. For almost all of them I can tell exactly what to do… I was getting in a rut with the same stretches and a very few yoga poses that I could remember and this really helps me diversity my workout… I highly recommend it.”

Another review added, “In all the years I have done yoga, this is the best mat I have ever bought. Just the right thickness without being too thick and you never need a DVD or video on to perform the exercises. They are right there in front of you and easy to perform your own created routine. I am thrilled with this mat.”

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