Northeast Texas Cancer and Research Institute Tops Out In Texas

The Northeast Texas Cancer and Research Institute, located on the Christus Mother Frances Hospital – Tyler campus, celebrated a topping out in Tyler, Texas.

The 85,000-square-foot outpatient cancer center will house medical, radiation, and gynecologic oncology services, as well as research space, including three linear accelerators for radiation therapy, 52 chemotherapy infusion stations (including six allotted to research), a pharmacy, lab, and patient exercise area. A 7,500-square-foot advanced imaging center and a 620-car parking garage are also planned.

Physician-led practice Texas Oncology (Dallas) will provide oncology services at the new center.

The project team includes McCarthy Building Companies Inc. (construction services; Dallas) and Cottonwood Development (developer; Morgantown, N.C.).

The post Northeast Texas Cancer and Research Institute Tops Out In Texas first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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