Phoenix Children’s Hospital To Add Multispecialty Clinic And Hospital In Arizona

Phoenix Children’s Hospital in Phoenix is slated to open a new multispecialty clinic in Glendale, Ariz., by the end of the year and a new hospital in Glendale in 2024, according to the website

The two-story, 45,000-square-foot multispecialty clinic on the Glendale campus will house orthopedics, neurology, cardiology, and oncology services.

The three-story, 180,000-square-foot hospital will have 24 inpatient beds, six operating rooms, two minor procedure rooms, and 30 emergency bays/trauma rooms. Space for an additional 24 inpatient beds will also be available.

The project team includes Kitchell Construction Inc. (construction; Phoenix).

The post Phoenix Children’s Hospital To Add Multispecialty Clinic And Hospital In Arizona first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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