Phoenix Children’s Hospital To Build Level IV NICU

Phoenix Children’s (Phoenix) is planning to build a 44,000-square-foot Level IV neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Phoenix Children’s Hospital — Thomas Campus in Phoenix.

The project will replace the existing NICU and will be built on the 11th floor of the patient tower as part of a campus expansion project.

Slated for completion in 2024, the new facility house 48 private rooms, each with a crib, private bathroom, and sleeper couches for parents and caregivers. The floor will also have a multipurpose room for physical and occupational therapy; a washer/dryer and refrigerator for families; and family lounge and quiet areas for parents to work or relax.

The new NICU will include care for babies who have complex conditions including birth injuries, chromosomal anomalies, congenital heart disease, drug exposures, and infant infections.

The post Phoenix Children’s Hospital To Build Level IV NICU first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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