PHOTO TOUR: Margaret’s Place Hospice

Nestled on the edge of a wooded ravine, the site of Margaret’s Place Hospice in Dundas, Ontario, Canada, became the inspiration for its design, helping the team balance both a homey feel and supportive environment.

The new timber-framed, 25,000-square-foot, 10-bed hospice opened for its first residents in September 2021. The V-shaped structure is designed so that all-private resident rooms line the outside of the structure, connecting them with the natural environment that surrounds the facility. Each room is framed with large picture window views over the ravine and private, covered decks allowing beds to be wheeled outside.

There are two family living rooms at opposite ends of the structure, and a great room creates a hub at the center of the building. Nurses’ stations, therapy rooms, and additional quiet spaces for families are positioned opposite to the private rooms, where views are not a priority. Additional staff areas are placed on a partial second floor, a separation that allows for retreat.


Project details:

Facility name: Margaret’s Place Hospice

Location: Dundas, Ontario, Canada

Completion date: September 2021

Owner: St. Joseph’s Villa

Total building area: 25,000 sq. ft.

Total construction cost: $7.4 million

Cost/sq. ft.: $296

Architecture firm: McCallumSather

Interior design: McCallumSather

General contractor: IRA McDonald

Engineering: Mantecon Partners

Builder: IRA McDonald


The post PHOTO TOUR: Margaret’s Place Hospice first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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