Project Watch: VA Facilities

From wellness centers to mental health and outpatient clinics, a variety of new healthcare projects for the veteran population are opening across the county. Here, Healthcare Design complies a list of five recent Veterans Affairs (VA) projects designed to deliver patient-centered care and show honor and respect to patients.

PHOTO TOUR: Endeavors Veteran Wellness Center and Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic

The 31,000-square-foot project in South Texas houses multiple services under one roof to provide comprehensive care to its veteran patient population.


PHOTO TOUR: South Jordan VA Clinic

The 30,000-square-foot facility expands access to care for veteran residents in Utah with a design that aligns with the VA’s collaborative care model.


FIRST LOOK: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs/ Jacksonville Community-Based Outpatient Clinic & Domiciliary

The 193,500-square-foot facility will consolidate mental health and primary care services in a new outpatient clinic and domiciliary.


Dignified Design: Omaha VA Ambulatory Care Center

The new Omaha VA Ambulatory Care Center shows honor and respect for its patients through symbolic architectural solutions.


FIRST LOOK: Veterans Affairs Community-based Outpatient Clinic

The 132,000-square-foot clinic will consolidate services and offer patients, staff, and visitors a building reflective of its Lakeland, Fla., locale.

The post Project Watch: VA Facilities first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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